Arena @ Prog Power??


Heavy Metal Maniac
Sep 29, 2002
Union, NJ, USA
I don't know if they would quite be ProgPower material but hey I guess you don't have to officially be metal to play the festival. I look at Arena as one of the greatest progressive rock bands of all time. They do have some rather heavy material too and I think would do well at a festival like ProgPower. They are absolute legends, as far as I know they don't play in America often and they have a new cd just released Pepper's Ghost.

Who would want to see Arena at ProgPower?
The Visitor is a great album... everything else I've heard from them I've hated. But in their defense the only other thing I've heard is Contagion.

I also bought their DVD and I thought it was SO BORING and didn't sound that good...
The Visitor is really cool. I am listening to Contagion right now. "Witch Hunt" is a killer opening track and heavy. I heard some samples off their new album. I forgot the name of one of the songs but it was very heavy. Im sure if they played a fest like this they would pull out their heavier material but still play classics like "Medusa".
Arena isn't metal enough.

Let's face it. After hours of bone crushing metal, no one wants to hear a limp dick.

It's like Balance of Power at PP2. I loved their set. I thought they were great. But, it's a metal festival. The music playing between sets was heavier.

With Arena, you'd have to face the fear that Clive might drag along a mellotron or something equally non-metal.

Arena is probably a bit too "lite" for ProgPower, though they are a very good band. They are playing at RosFest this spring in PA (their first US appearance, as far as I know). I believe there are still tickets left (though the patron seats are all gone). It's a really good show (this is the second year) in a really nice theater with excellent sound. It's much more prog oriented, though, so if you're expecting metal, it's not your kind of show.

Having seen Enchant multiple times (I was at that DVD shoot also), they would be a good band for ProgPower. They are much heavier live than on disc, and would certainly fall into the "prog" category part of the festival. I think they would go over very well as a mid-show act.

Joe-× said:
Arena isn't metal enough.

Let's face it. After hours of bone crushing metal, no one wants to hear a limp dick.

Ummm, I had no idea... none whatsover, that a limp dick could be heard. Well, I'm sure it could be heard with some rather fast movement on the male's part (pun intended)... but still. :hypno:

Sorry, I'm laughing so hard over here it hurts! lmao
I'm wondering how high Enchant is on Glenn's list. They've been brought up for years, they are touring this year, and they have never played PP.

I don't know Arena too much, only have a few live tracks off the ProgFest'97 CD, but for the fact they have as big a fanbase in the Dream Theater communities, I think Enchant would be a bigger draw.

guess we'll know soon enough.

Thanks for the heads up about Arena playing at ROSfest. I'll definately be going as Mostly Autumn is headlining the next night. Heather Findlay was awesome on Ayreon's Human Equation
I'm glad to hear someone else that thinks Enchant could play PP. I was also wondering about Last Tribe snagging one of the middle slots. They have three cds and should probably have another by then and they rock! A last but not least, I just opened my copy of Dionysus and I'm giving it a spin while I'm writing this. WOW!!!