arg! i want to listen to my cds!

I had about 20 CDs in my car when it got stolen. Never got the CDs or the car back either
20 cds x $15 = $300 + $500 car. $800 gone thanks to some skinny negro crack head. (it was actually a black guy, there were witnesses, i'm not racist or anything. Just thought i'd clear that up)
Last summer I let my ex-boyfriend*grrrrrr....bad word...grrrrrrr*
borrow several of my cds and that irresponsible fucker lost 'em for almost a month!::anger::(but they were cds that I didn't even listen to-Nirvana and Ozzy-so I wasn't TOTALLY freaking out)First he told me that they'd been "stolen" *cough-big lie-cough*.Then he told me that his sister had taken them *total fuckin' bullshitter* then he told me that his mom's boyfriend had taken them! So when the jackass ran out of excusses he finally started looking for them,and actually was able to return them undamaged
::shock::! The moral of this magical faiery tale,children,is to never let ANYONE borrow your cds...especially not your Nevermore cds,don't even take them out of your house,for fear of loosing them.