Arghoslent - Incorrigible Bigotry

GOod CD. Riffing is only criticism is that it's not very consistent; the first half of the disc is much much better than the second half.

As for the lyrics, well, they don't offend me per se, but they're still pretty idiotic at times. Don't care though because the music is so good, and the conviction of ideology makes it that little bit more genuine.
Life Sucks said:
If you liked their music, would you refuse to listen to them just because of the lyrics?
If the music's good, the lyrics don't make a fucking difference. Good lyrics can only enhance a good song.
Guardian of Darkness said:
I think I prefer the second half.
Although all of the songs on the CD kick ass in their own right, my favorites are The Purging Fires of War, Quelling the Simian Urge, and Flogging the Cargo, which are in the first half. Archaic Invincibility is the weakest track IMO, since it is slower paced and less agressive for the most part, but it is still a good song. I can't wait till Arghoslent release their next CD, whenever that may be.
Life Sucks said:
Although all of the songs on the CD kick ass in their own right, my favorites are The Purging Fires of War, Quelling the Simian Urge, and Flogging the Cargo, which are in the first half. Archaic Invincibility is the weakest track IMO, since it is slower paced and less agressive for the most part, but it is still a good song. I can't wait till Arghoslent release their next CD, whenever that may be.
I'm not gonna argue with you guys, I think the whole album is fucking brilliant. In terms of individual track preference, I think there's little between them.
Chalk up another vote for the second half of Incorrigible Bigotry being the best. Although it's weaker moments would be standouts on any other album. Very good. Buy now.
Eh, I guess slightly different personal taste may lead different people to prefer different songs on the CD. But the main point here is that we all like Arghoslent, and that Arghoslent rules.
This is the first thing you see on their website:


That is just plain awesome.
Cool. I thought I remembered reading on their website that recording was set to begin in the spring. I bet the CD will kick ass, with riffs as good as Deathcult or Conjuration and better production.
Yep, The Chasm have started recording. New Arghoslent, Megiddo, The Chasm, and Immolation(and a re-release of Stepping On Angels) all in one year. Wow.