This question has haunted me for some time:

How does one get a nomination for a highest selling whatever?

Either you sold the most whatevers, or you didn't. I don't get it.
I have to agree with phloggy. Kylie sold 420,000 copies of her album in Australia alone!. None of the other "nominations" could have possibly sold even close to that. I guess they just read off the top 5 biggest sellers or something.
Its bollocks...because it seems that the same artists are nominated every year...and when you think about it...there are only a handfull of australian mainstream artists who would be nominated for something like the ARIAS. Silverchair, Grinspoon, usually Powderfinger, Alex Lloyd, Kylie and other chick singers and probably a couple of others. I get sick of hearing the same handful of bands spewed forth every year and winning the same awards every time.

There should be a metal awards included in the ARIAS.

Lets lobby for some next year.

And was it just me or did Silverchair really sound like shit? Im not a fan in the first place...but to me they sounded really bad tonight.
There would need to be strict rules on who could be nominated.

Would have to be non mainstream artists.

Perhaps we could organise and run a huge underground metal awards night...and have awards made out of beer cans and stuff!
Lawyers/insurance companies:

"What, you are having METAL at the ARIA's this year? Sorry - No insurance for you! None for you! Back to your holes, scum, the ARIA's are postponed until John Denver get's an invite!" :rolleyes:

Damn ARIAs messed up my usual Tuesday night viewing :bah:.
I ended up watching Smallville, which was a great deal less interesting than I thought it'd be :zzz:

Is it just me, or would Kylie have won yet another award if they gave a prize for the most obvious boob job? ;)

John Denver! :headbang:

I watched "Smallville" too. I wish I'd started watching from the beginning. Sure, it's just a male Buffy, and sure, every episode seems to involve Clark's powers being either taken or away or deemed ineffective against the baddie, but it seems OK so far.
I can tell you right now if they did have a metal awards night who would win.

Best Power metal band- Dungeon
Best Death metal band- Earth
Best Black Metal Band- They can't accept awards,they aren't doing it for praise,they're doing it for satan
Best Progressive band- Vanishing Point
Best Thrash band-Fury or Dark order
Best Cover Art- Dungeon
Worst Maeup-Trent.