oh? and which part of my post would that be? this part?:
"poor guy... but it was him or my yard.... my yard wins,
seriously though, i truly do not enjoy killing them... but it's the only way to be rid of them and the damage they do to property... not to mention to your ankle if you step in the holes they dig all over the place.
R.I.P. little armoured dude."
yeah, i just have a bloodlust.. you know me so well.
for the record, i have only shot 4 animals in my life.... and they were all armadillos who were actively engaged in infesting and destroying my yard.
yes, and it's sooo sane to leave a disease-ridden infestation of hole-digging rodents in the yard that my elderly mother, who has osteoporosis and can't afford to take a fall, walks in.. the same yard that my nephews and nieces play in... yeah, that would be sane.

look, i've attempted to make a bit light of it because it does bother me to have to kill another creature... but unless you own a home and live in the countryside, you are not likely to understand... and i really don't care what you think to be honest, i posted this for somewhat therapeutic reasons.... to laugh at myself a bit, not to come under the judgement of someone who has no idea at all what it's like to live where i live, and to own a home which those little fuckers endanger by digging around the support pilings, and by leaving their diseased droppings everywhere.
and NO, there is no agency which will come out to where i live and do anything at all about the situation... our government does NOT consider it an animal control issue, they consider it a rodent infestation issue.
end of story.