Armored Saint

Bryant said:
I never bought "Revelations" but I have "March of the Saint" and the awesome "Symbol of Salvation." Very good band. "Sound of White Noise" is the only Bush era Anthrax I think that can remotely compete with AS.


You should get Revelations ASAP its a great album!
Wyvern said:
The low point (for me) is 'No Me Digas'. Sorry but American singers trying to sing in Spanish is as horrible as heavy accented Spanish singers singing in English. I didn't like the song (nor 'Lo que Falto' by Taraxacum, nor the English songs of Azrael, etc), probably is Spanish wouldn't be my native tongue it won't bother me that much (or if it will be a bonus track).
mm I don't hate "No Me Digas" as I don't have a problem with his terrible spanish accent hehe (same for "Chupacabra" on the latest Cage masterpiece), even if I see your point and it's not one of my faves on the album either.
Oh and I forgot the worst possible one Blind Guardian - 'Mieses Del Dolor' (who the hell translated 'Harvest Of Sorrow' so bad?) as the USA bonus track of "A Night At The Opera". Gladly I have the original in English as an MP3 :D
Fangface said:
mm I don't hate "No Me Digas" as I don't have a problem with his terrible spanish accent hehe (same for "Chupacabra" on the latest Cage masterpiece), even if I see your point and it's not one of my faves on the album either.

I love No Me Digas! hahaha I don't think John's accent is that bad, I've heard a lot worse: Bruce Dickinson or Jon Bon Jovi :Spin:
Fangface said:
If you liked "Symbol" Bryant, you will very likely bang your head like a maniac when you get "Revelation" as it's in a similar vein, many songs coming from the same era :)
Yeah John Bush sank his boot about three feet up my ass on that release. His voice was as powerful as anyone's. "Last train Home" and "Reign of Fire" kick ass !!! Anthrax doesn't know how to use his arsenal the right way. I might have to get that "Revelation." If it is similar to SoS I'll like it.

Bryant said:
Yeah John Bush sank his boot about three feet up my ass on that release. His voice was as powerful as anyone's. "Last train Home" and "Reign of Fire" kick ass !!! Anthrax doesn't know how to use his arsenal the right way. I might have to get that "Revelation." If it is similar to SoS I'll like it.


Go Get Fucking Revelations Bryant!!!! you will Like it!!! I personally think its better that SOS