Arnold Schwarzenegger

I was thinking he might run in 2008.......Reagan went from Gov of California to Pres, why not Arnie?
Maybe 4 years experience is not enough, try 2012.

Amazing. I was actually thinking 'only in America'..........not just California!
Nightwing said:
I was thinking he might run in 2008.......Reagan went from Gov of California to Pres, why not Arnie?
Maybe 4 years experience is not enough, try 2012.

Amazing. I was actually thinking 'only in America'..........not just California!
Only in America...I don't know about that, but only in California, definitely. That state, especially Southern Cal is full of some of the wierdest people you'll ever see.
You like Arnie? I feel he doesn't have the political experience but should that matter? Hey, what did you think of Reagan?
arnie cant be the president. you have to be born here to be president.
They could change the rules like they did in the film Demolition man.

I think his re-election speech in 4 years time will be interesting.....

...I'll be back
The Navigator said:
Took the words from my mouth.

Gary Coleman is eligble!
How'd working at the polls go?

larry flint is eligable too and he's who i voted for :D

you want the short version or the MRB version? it started out a total mess. we were supposed to have 9 clerks, plus the inspector and an actual registrar employee because they figured everything was going to be a total mess. we had 6 clerks includeing me. our inspector was the weslyan minister who's church it was in. he had everything setup retardly and 2 lines of people one in each door-and nowhere to exit! also he had the tables and booths set up so there was a 3 foot path you had to go through to get in or out, so that was a total joke. also i was a bit pissed when he was assigning jobs because there was another long haired guy and an old biker dude and when he told everyone what they were going to do it seemed like he was giveing us the retard jobs and he just said you handout the ballots you take the ballouts and you do the street index, then the old ladies he had with the rosters and he talked to them 15 minutes about what their jobs were. i took the situation as the total opposite of what it was. he had the old ladies sitting there saying sign here and explained to them to get through the senility, they he had one of us on each end and the bikerdude in the middle so the long haired kid (that ended up being his son :loco: ) dealt with all the mess signing in, and when he told me i was taken the ballos i thoght he meant tearing off the stubs and dropping them in the box. i didnt realise he also meant showing the retards how to punch a ballot and fixing the machines when they broke and filling out all the provisional envelopes after his son searched through all the rosters to fix everything the old ladies screwed up, then he had the old biker guy helping which ever of us needed it most at the time. marian the official person that was supposed to start with us at 06:30 so there would be someone to make shit run smoother showed up at about 10:40 and gave us great time saveing tips like how we were supposed to have people signing in on every roster to keep things moveing-the things are in sections alphabetically and by streets-mr jones on 172nd street isnt going to be in the roster for names with a-c or on the street index for 166th street! o_O
then she told me i should fill out the provisional envelops ahead of time-i cant know a persons name or address or verification info unless they tell me-they arent listed and claim they should be-thats the whole reason theyre vote is provisional! a few minutes later we had 3 machines break at once. she called somebody from the office to come fix them??? i unbolted one from the booth and she said isnt that a violation of state law number whatever unless you have authorisation and you know i think thats a felony. i told her she was probably right and she pulled out her cellphonand reported me! i had the 1st one fixed before she finished telling um i was doing it. i dont know what they told her, but when she got off the phone she told me if anyone said anything about me takeing the machines apart i have authorisation from somebody another in the recorders office and it was a great asset to have somebody like me who understands how to fix the technical problems in the field :loco: makes it even more retarded understanding the technical problems=i knew how to take off a plastic clip unscrew a screw and turn a spring clip so i could lift up the cover and pull out the stylus pin somebody snapped inside it.
after that marian said they were backed up at city hall so she'd get out of my way and left. she didnt come back until late afternoon and had perfect timeing...
some racist whacko (probably from new jersey) came in and started yelling at everyone saying they had no right to be here and that he was born in this country and he knows his rights and he's a citizen so these foreign bastards have to leave when he comes to vote. a bunch of big huge guys around and this guy comes out of nowhere threatening women and old people and of course every guy backs off and lets him do it, then me goin over there just has me yelling back at him after a couple minutes. marian waddles in and asks if i wanted her to take over cuz this guys a piece of cake. it was funny as shit cuz well, it was her saying it and we were both right in front of the guy so he had to have heard her and i laughed and the guy still never stopped screaming long enough to take a breath. i walked away and marian just stood there and let him scream at her. after a few minutes she walked out the door and he followed after screamin and they stood by the church and he stood there and yelled at her for about 20 minutes then he just shut up and walked away??? she pulled out her cellphone and called somebody again and told me if he comes back or anything else like that happens call 911 and ask for the fbi :loco:

the short version... over 3200 people, the biggest turnout ive been at before was 800. there were lines for open booths all day and we had 12 booths and there was only 4 things on the ballot-but there were alot of idiots that took along time to make those votes. i had to take the machines apart 26 times to pull out the stylus pins people snapped off in the machines and i honestly swear EVERY time it happened it was a woman who did it!!! great to have such a large turnout, pathetic that no matter who of the contenders won we would have an incompetant as governor.