Arrested because of a CoF Teeshirt

Interesting..... I didn't know Australia doesn't have a Bill of Rights! Suddenly I'm feeling....slightly happier with the ol' US of A. :)

That story -- with a different shirt-wearer -- is kinda old-hat by now; some guy was arrested in the UK for the same reason several years ago, and he appears on one of CoF's DVDs. After all the smoke blew away, the authorities ended up looking pretty silly.

My friend Ripper has the same shirt, but usually wears it only to metal shows.

I'd probably feel bad if this band wasn't so embarrassingly atrocious. While it's unfortunate the kid got arrested, he had to expect a negative response walking around in public with a shirt like that on. :lol:
This is why CoF is genius. I hope you all recognize that in some aspect...

If you want name recognition, there is no better way (as long as you don't care how your name is recognized).
Only offensive shirt I have is for Bleed the Sky, a big marijuana leaf on the front, and SMOKE FUCKING DOPE on the back as big as the writing on the iced earth and CoF shirts. I have never really worn it out though, because I really don't want to offend anybody. My morbid humor is enough, so I don't need any help.
I'm still pissed I never snagged the Iced Earth shirt that says FUCK POSERS on the back. Of all the years, this year's the one I needed to wear it the most!

I had one, and was stupid enough to let someone borrow it along with my S.O.D. Hevil/Hell/Satan/etc. shirt! I need another one. As far as staying on topic, I knew a guy when I first went in that wore one of those to the chow hall and noone said anything. He was in front of the First Shirt two days later with his supervisor about to come up on sexual harassment and MEO charges.
The only possibly offensive shirt I have is one for pirate-themed thrash band Swashbuckle, where the back says "If you can't fuck it, steal it!"

Though, I would like to see the reactions I'd get for walking around in the Impaled Nazarene shirt that says "SMOKE CRACK AND WORSHIP SATAN" on the back. Don't have it to give it a try, though.
Heh, shit always makes me laugh. I don'tthink i have anything offensive other than stuff that may offend religious folks (older arch enemy shirts, god dethroned shirts, etc). I have a witchaven shirt that is satan fucking a nun, but the graphic is so funny (cartoony) that i don't think anyone could take it seriously. But they probably would.

Ah, and my cattle decapitation "Bukakke Tsunami" shirt is always good times.
I'm pretty sure he was arrested because of the shirt using foul language, and causing a public outcry. This story isn't about being arrested for your beliefs, it's about being publicly crude.
That is one the most offensive shirts I've seen in public... First time I saw it was when some kid wore it to a San Francisco Dimmu show... I did a double take I must admit. But to each their own, and in that environment no big deal... Now if he walked into a church on Sunday wearing that it might be a little different :D