arrggg..I'm buzzin fer the first time


The Dreaming Mind
Mar 14, 2004
Everyone celebrate fer me again. whoohoooo

I'm almost twenty..I live in Mendocino county, and I'm buzzin fer the first time..arrg
what is WRONG WITH ME?

arrrg. I drank two glasses of white russian..mmm
white russian!
I feel like I do when I'm up for 25+ hours with insomnia...its a weird feeling.
I don't think I really like it. My head feels a bebe kitten

typing is kinda odd at the moment :)

first it was ear piercings, now its alcohol.
a healthier alternative to alcohol:
i need to get high sometime.

its on my list of things to try. then try shrooms :D
Bacchante said:
Everyone celebrate fer me again. whoohoooo

I'm almost twenty..I live in Mendocino county, and I'm buzzin fer the first time..arrg
what is WRONG WITH ME?

arrrg. I drank two glasses of white russian..mmm
white russian!
I feel like I do when I'm up for 25+ hours with insomnia...its a weird feeling.
I don't think I really like it. My head feels a bebe kitten

typing is kinda odd at the moment :)

first it was ear piercings, now its alcohol.

cograts *goes to pick up some Winchester extremely cheap whiskey from the fridge* you lost your precious flower :goggly: LOL
:grin: Thanks for replying everyone :dopey:

But eh, I don't think i'll really attempt to drink again. I didn't experience much of an effect. It just screwed with my ability to type.

I also couldn't sleep. I stayed up all night...and the rest of the next day.
And my guts kinda stung...probably because of a delicious stomach ulcer?

Oh well, at least I know what to to if I need to stay up all night :)

and were pretty fuckin hammered.
It was fun mopping your sorry ass all over the linoleum
Dead_Lioness said:
^ give it some time amiga!
you'll learn to cherish and to embrace the feeling of being buzzed and happy.

That, or she might become a raging alcoholic and find herself waking up at a friends house wearing a hospital gound lying next to a bucket of thrown up blood not knowing what in the fuck happened the night before.

Either way, I know that I love the stuff. Can't get enough of it.
^ only addictive people become alcoholics...
like in everything in life, you MUST draw the line and be wise about it.
same with drugs, alcohol, junk food... you name it.

therefore, people who can NOT handle alcohol, become AA losers.
I think I'll get trashed tonight. I haven't done so for a very long time, and I got a nice healthy bottle of Gentleman Jack in the cabinet. It's on!