be gentle, its my first time.

Post up some clips you recorded with soloc/impulses/etc, screenshots of the settings you used (or just list the settings on each component), guitar used (wood, pickups, more info the better) and we can better help get you in the ballpark. If you can, add drums/bass to the track so everyone can hear the guitars in a mix.

In reference to the other issues, it's all good. We suggested you do the things we said about 8505 because that's the only info we have on hand. It's better than othing, we could have jsut ignored your post and not offered any help at all. I suggested reaper because I switched and it's waaaaaaaay better (IMO) than cubase le, which I got with my shitty interface. I've also never had any problems with reaper running VST's so take it for what it's worth. Anywho, it's cool that you admitted to being a little pissed due to your problems with programs, etc. Keep the attitude in the right place and you'll be golden here. Cheers dude, post clipzz!! :kickass:
Allright. I definitely admit i was pissed off from a combination of my unworking programs, and the little amount of help i got off this board. That definitely does not give me the right to act like a retard at you guys, so I apologize for that. BUT, in response to those saying they helped me with my 8505 issues.... no, you really didn't. you suggested to try something I had already tried, or email the creator of the program. Thats not really help. thats suggesting to go ask somewhere else for help. And in response to you saying that cracked programs were condemned here. Did I ever out rightly say
"HEY! HELP ME WITH THIS PROGRAM I JUST TORRENTED!" No. I had a problem with my program and i asked for help. I recently read a thread in this forum saying that though people don't approve of using torrents, people just shouldn't go around broadcasting. I just wanted some help, and instead I got people judging my moral convictions. Last time i checked, this wasn't a forum about peoples opinions on the use of torrents, its a forum to help people get better production quality. If that's not the case, I guess I should find another forum to ask my questions.

Anyways, for an update, I did download the solo c, and keFir to use cab impulses. Right now i'm using a cab impulse that catharsisstudios posted on ultimate-guitar. (oversized Mesa with 2 57's) Still not getting a great sound. Am i basically just going to have to mess with this alot to find good tone? It also said on the website that I should download a preamp as well. Is this true, and if so, whats a good free pre amp do download?

[edit] Its a power amp its missing sorry. will that be an issue?

Well, you had a problem with a program you as good as admitted to torrenting. You have to understand that nobody here really wants to be associated with that, and a lot of new people fall into the pitfall of assuming that we all want to help them out with their cracked plugs. Sure you're here to learn about audio engineering but folks here want to help people who want to get better, not people who dive in with cracked plugs looking for a quick fix (and believe me the two seem to go predominantly hand in hand)

No, you dont need to use a pre-amp in conjunction with your setup.

Basic chain would be Tubescreamers Secret > Solo C Head > Kefir and a noise gate at the start if you're finding it a bit noisy.

Make sure your the mix button on Kefir is up to a 100% otherwise you get 50% tone with speaker cabinet emulation, 50% without, which is horrible.

Tubescreamers Secret (a vst version of the pretty much essential for tight high gain tone Tubescreamer) filters out all those soggy lows and low mids and can be found here (

Good or bad pickups will have a fairly pronounced effect on your tone, it helps if you're using something like EMG's, Duncans or Bareknuckles - or some various high brand guitar pups designed for metal, but its definitely not the be all and end all.

All this has been said before over various places on this forum. Blah blah blah. :goggly:

you suggested to try something I had already tried, or email the creator of the program.

If you do end up tryiong out some AcmeBarGig Plugs, feel free o email me anytime. OK?

As a matter of fact, on all the Preampus line heads, the Classic Hybrids, and The Metal Line, simply click my Signature and it will popup an email box for you to contact me directly, and, I answer every email usually within a half a day..Believe me it takes about 4 hours throughout the day to get through my emails! Either way feel free..
wasn't using the tubescreamer, and my lows were unbearably loud. Tubescreamer tightened everything out, and the tone is actually SURPRISINGLY good now! I'll post clips as soon as i finish the first track. Also just picked up a sterling audio condenser mic that I'm loving. Thanks everyone for the help, and i once again apologize for actin like a douche. Cheers!
To öwen : I don't agree with you. There's no place here for newbies.
I've been reading nearly every thread since months and I must admit that it's a great place for finding ressources (impulses and samples). Here, you can also learn, little by little, 'cause there are pieces of great informations and tips... BUT, when you ask something as a newbie, If the question is not precise (and it often can't be precise when you're a newbie)... lots of people here don't want to spend time explaining things to you...
It's quite disappointing...
I spent a lot of time explaining things 'bout how to use amp sims, DAWs and impulses to newbies on other forums and it wasn't a problem for me.
When I asked people to help me when I wanted to use a MIDI foot pedal to switch from one preset (made in a DAW using a VST chain) to another one... very few people helped me. So, I was obliged to spent months and months (WE, night) experimentingand testing things, reading pieces of information on internet and finally made a complete guide... and decided to SHARE it to everybody (pros and newbies). I think that if I can help people and prevent them from spending too much time on the net? I have to do it. That's the way I see things...

Recently, I asked 'bout the way to use samples in a sampler (software)... Again, Nobody helped... The answer was "use google, read on forums..."

So definitively : I guess most of people here are semi-pro and don't care 'bout newbies.

End of story
wasn't using the tubescreamer, and my lows were unbearably loud. Tubescreamer tightened everything out, and the tone is actually SURPRISINGLY good now! I'll post clips as soon as i finish the first track. Also just picked up a sterling audio condenser mic that I'm loving. Thanks everyone for the help, and i once again apologize for actin like a douche. Cheers!

Cool deal dude, looking forward to hearing some clips!