First post: mix for my band's demo


New Metal Member
Oct 10, 2009
I've been recording my band's demos for a while, but we've never released anything I've done. However, we're broke so I'm doing our new EP and I'd like some pointers, criticism, etc.

This is my first time ever using amp sims and DFH, so it doesn't sound spectacular, but it's not absolutely terrible (at least I hope not, haha).
Guitars: LTD EC1000 -> Tascam 2488mkII -> Computer -> Revalver mkIII (6505+ with Catharsis impulses)
Bass; None ATM. Recording those next weekend.
Vocals: none in this particular song.
Drums: DFH with replaced kick and snare

No eg, compression, or other effects used other than those stated.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
sounds good but the clean and lead guitars need work. the cleans sound really plain and the leads need tightening up and reverb/delay.