Art business titles?


The Dreaming Mind
Mar 14, 2004
I'm sure I've bugged plenty of you about this...erm

I'm trying to think of a good name for my art!

Bacchante, Mothwomang, and Third_Siren don't really sound great to me..

I was driving home in the car and I thought "Lotus Eater Arts" sounded pretty badass...if anyone objects, punch me in the face! :)

...why not get a head start, and go with "Obsidian Arts"?
If you use "lotus eater arts", chances are people will immediately think you're about drug-inspired art. If you'd like to keep it Nevermore-themed, there's always things like "Cenotaph Arts," or "Ophidian Arts" (to keep it in the DNB range) :)
Yeah, I figured people would think I'm a major druggie with that title ;)

*still like it, though*

Fuck, I can't get the ball rolling until I settle with a name :(
Coming up with names, slogans, etc. used to be my JOB. Haha, but I won't openly give it out unless you ask nicely via PM :p

"Dreamtime Gallery"
or Dreamtime Arts..

I think I like the first one...It popped in my head in the shower, haha

I was obsessed with Aboriginal "Dreamtime" creations throughout grade and middle school. Their art is dark, beautiful and is based heavily upon the supernatural. Warrel also references the Dreamtime in DNB.


What do you guys think??
Shit, there's already a "Dreamtime Gallery" in Santa Fe.


I'm also thinking about Lammasu or Lammasus Arts...
Wendigo Gallery?