Art of Noise Setlist from Houston!

LaSTofTHeViKIngs said:
i'm pretty sure though AA is pissed that they only can do 6 songs on this tour but maybe ur right but we will just have see. If they don't I guess i'm gonna have to fly to Sweden to see them headline a show if they don't do it here. I hear what u mean though man. lata.
I don't think they are. Try being on the road as long as they have been. Plus include the fact that they are spreading the AA trademark across the US.
Tomasz said:
It's better to do a six song set when fully rested and on full stomach than 10 song set while hungry 'cause you got $5 food allowance per day.

Catch my drift?

"Liam and me, we're gonna fuck you up..."

"Yeah, well, you know, that's your opinion, man..."

I hear both of ya man. I'm just meant thier probably mad cause they had to pick from all of there great songs which 6 to do. Heck i would be.
But I do remember this is just a part time thing for them they got real jobs back home and shit this doesn't make a full living for them. So yeah we will see what the future holds for AA. U got another point too Tomasz, if I was Fredrik I would only wanna do 6 songs also for the salary he's probably gettin paid for doin this tour. his legs must be tired as hell after those 6 songs how fast he plays. lata guys. rock on.
LaSTofTHeViKIngs said:
if I was Fredrik I would only wanna do 6 songs also for the salary he's probably gettin paid for doin this tour. his legs must be tired as hell after those 6 songs how fast he plays. lata guys. rock on.

This isn't a job, at least not yet, it's a hobby/passion. It's probably a job/hobby for Vader guys though, especially Peter.

"Yeah, Walter, you're right, there is an unspoken message here. It's fuck you! Leave me the fuck alone!"