
Hey hey, I already said I really like impressionism and expressionism and all that as wel eh, but this Pollock is just not my thing. I don't always care for incredibly drawn things at all, quite the contrary, Friedrich and Bosch are the only ones that paint realistically that I like. I don't like any of the painters you named there, although Rembrandt is okay.
pop art is kinda good too. some stuff at least. like this jasper johns dude did some great stuff i reckon.
sol83 said:
pop art is kinda good too. some stuff at least. like this jasper johns dude did some great stuff i reckon.
heres some of his most stuff...





it's not really painting... his use of different materials and techniques was great.
"The first man to compare the cheeks of a young woman to a rose was obviously a poet the first to repeat it was possibly an idiot."

"Those who do not want to imitate anything, produce nothing."

"When I was five years old I saw an insect that had been eaten by ants and of which nothing remained except the shell. Through the holes in its anatomy one could see the sky. Every time I wish to attain purity I look at the sky through flesh."

Salvador Dali

I'm not a BIG BIIIIIIG art fan but I do think he's the surrealism groundbreaker and no one actually even tries to make somthing looking alike his paintings. IMO, about 50% of the art (all of the art, not his) is worthless. But of course that can be false as everyone has a different definition for art.
so that brings us to the question: what is art? anybody who can define art?

what does a painting* need to be considered art and when is it merely craftsmanship?
(*or a sculpture, or music or whatever)