Artistic inspirations

My inspiration comes only from my dreams and visions, also some music to get the mood and concept, I like surrealism in all of its forms!. I let it flow.
I enjoy other artists work (Besides T.S's), like Dave Mckean, J.P Witkin, Alessandro Bavari, Nebrada, M.C Escher, Giger, Dalí, El Bosco, etc... and independent animation film creators, like Svankmajer's and Brothers Quay.
And lots and lots of metal.
Hmmm as far as other artists, I love Travis' style but I don't really transfer it to mine. In fact as much as I appreciate a bunch of artists work mine isn't really influenced by many artists except maybe my oils are a bit influenced by Monet.

Apart from artists my insparations are things natural. Forests, winter, emotion, melancholy, light and darkness. A bunch of contradictory elements. But I'm more of a musician then an artist though my father an international painter.

I've always been able to express myself in lyrical and guitar work then art. But I love art as well.
Hey Travis:) Why do You prefer working on macintosh? I dont know much about this stuff because i just started messing with photoshop.