(Shameless plug)


Sep 14, 2008
Full disclosure: yea, I am affiliated with this site. Just went live on Oct 20th, and I occurred to me today that you guys might dig this site.

It's somewhat a social media site that is geared towards music, film, photography...all of the arts, basically. There's a lot to the site, but the basic idea behind it was a site dedicated to connecting artists to other artists. There's a classifieds section, a (currently somewhat limited for various reasons) store, a customizable-to-a-point page, groups, events that can be targeted to specific areas...and a lot more. In the next few months, we'll roll out a crowdfunding/donation option, as well as automatic downloads for the store, (you can sell plugins or drum samples, for example, not just music).

I'm not the best at explaining it, but check it out. And please, feel free to be honest about your impressions, comments and suggestions are more than welcome. We're in the early stages of the release, so there are a few bugs that we're working out, and we've noticed that there are a few features that should be added for ease of use.

We've also got a podcast going live in the next day or two that will focus on site updates, interviews with artists, and stuff like that.