Aryan Terrorism

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May 7, 2004
Am I the only one who thinks this band sucks horrible ass? And not because of the really childish pseudo-Nazi lyrics, and the lame, true black metal posturing, but the music is FUCKING BORING. The drum machine is the most annoying thing I've ever heard (if that's not a drum machine then that's the shittiest tone and the most monotonous drummer ever), the music never goes ANYWHERE (with very, very few exceptions), and it's just boring. Why do people love this band?
I think the songs I've heard ("Crush the Lies" and "A National Socialistic Call") are both fucking great, and I'll admit part of the credit goes to the really childish pseudo-Nazi lyrics, but the groovy riffs rule as well.
The whole point as I see it is the catchiness. It's not supposed to be deep music, it's just supposed to be music to listen to while bashing my pals and stomping kikes with your German army boots. Or something. I much prefer Nokturnal Mortum and Mistigo Varggoth Darkestra.
serial killer said:
this all I gotta say yea the band sucks and all nazis are biches, fuck 'em!!!!!!!

I'm getting tired of all these metalheads who are like "Kill christians rahh! Feed them to the lions RAH!!!.........OH MY GAWD HE SAYD KILL A my pals AND A JEW! U RACIST!!!"
what do you mean by that? I dont give a shit if sombody says he hates other races or what not. freedom of speech is what this country is based on but I said nazis are biches because, in obsevations I relized almost every nazi cant fight on his own they have to be 4 or 5 deep to fight one guy in my book thats a bich plus they make every self respecting white guy look bad so that is why I say "all nazis are biches, fuck 'em" I hope I cleared it up, next shot!!!
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