

Pepsi Fiend
Jul 24, 2003
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Dammit, I know someone else out here has to hate them. I'm fucking tired of feeling like the only one who doesn't like this band. I want to shoot myself when I hear any vocals from the, and their instrumentals, while interesting at certain points, feel very dumbed down in certain spots and boring in others. Such as the music during the chorus of Inside four walls, wow, sounds about on par with disturbed, though a decent solo follows it. The vocals on I Am The Dog make me want to shove a shoe up my asshole. Goddamn. Narcosynthesis, let's repeat the same boring riff fo rthe first half of a song! The River The Dragon HAs Come, same thing. The Death OF Passion has a cool sound to it, it's definately better than some of their other songs, but again the guitar has the crappy de-tuned feeling in parts of it and I'm really not liking the way their drummers bass drum sounds.

Don't worry, I don't like them either. The vocals, ugh. Dare I say it, almost as overrated as Opeth ;)

Let the flaming begin.
I actually like the vocals; Warrel sounds like he's in such pain when he's singing, and it fits the lyrics and music. In terms of vocals I don't like, I don't care for power metal vocals.
I love the fact that they don't have positive vibes in their music, since I generally cannot stand happy music, as I am an extremely depressed motherfucker. How does Enemies Of Reality match up to Dead Heart In A Dead World?
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Life Sucks said:
I love the fact that they don't have positive vibes in their music, since I generally cannot stand happy music, as I am an extremely depressed motherfucker.
Same here

Life Sucks said:
How does Enemies Of Reality match up to Dead Heart In A Dead World?
Hmm its a bit different.
Whether you like it or not is a question of taste.
Its a lot less accessible and produced but its definitely thrashier.
At least I like it.
You should get it, and Politics of Ecstacy and Dreaming Neon Black too :p
I like them and I like Opeth. Heh, I can see what you mean by the vocals, alot of my friends don't like it when Warrel starts singing, he has a very different vocal style to alot of metal bands. I love every aspect of Nevermore. We're all entitled to our opinions after all, at least you didn't mindlessly rant and said they suck donkeyballs and lick phallic growths. :p
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xxChaoticManifestoxx said:
I can see what you mean by the vocals, alot of my friends don't like it when Warrel starts singing, he has a very different vocal style to alot of metal bands
Yeah Warrel sounds pretty scary to n00bs and metal n00bs, many of my friens whine as well.
Life Sucks said:
I love the fact that they don't have positive vibes in their music, since I generally cannot stand happy music, as I am an extremely depressed motherfucker. How does Enemies Of Reality match up to Dead Heart In A Dead World?
It's much, much angrier. ''Enemies'' is more technical and heavier, but the production leaves a bit to be desired.
Warrel dane in my opinion has the best clean vocals in metal, as well as probably the best lyricism. I wish the new stuff was less angry and more depressive/doomish however you want to describe it. Basicaly more like In memory / dreaming neon black.

While i can appreciate 'angry' music and i love their other stuff, i just think nevermore do the depressive thing so well and i want more damnit!

I guess i can see how people could get annoyed at danes vocal style, though the uniqueness of the vocals is something that really drew me to this band. If you don't like nevermore that's cool but for me; they are a band that have really made an impact on me.

But just so you know - {nevermore own iced earth}

Threads like this are pretty dumb though. What are you honestly trying to achieve?

Nevermore haters: Hey yeah man i fuckin hate nevermore too, their singer sounds like a girl and they guitars sound like blink 182 fuck them they are gay gay gay.

Nevermore likers: shut it up you! nevermore are winners!

Elitists: atheist are better than nevermore. you are all stupid and have no brains.
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Oh come on, I wasn't posting in the most serious manner when I siad more people need to hate them. :p

I can see why someone would like them, and that's a good point about how he delivers his vocals. It's nice they are actually doing clean vocals instead of a fucking burp, but it still isn't my thing.

Electric Wizard is a band that seems to have some good negative type songs. Like that one that goes 'Look around you, whatcha got, no life no future, no fucking job'

I'm probably off a little but the lyrics were something like that. Anyways cool song that isn't all happy ssounding and shit.
Nevermore are inconsistent. I like Dreaming Neon Black, and The Politics of Ecstasy has its moments, but the rest of their discography is pretty weak.
A newsgroup I subscribe to had three of their albums posted, so I grabbed 'em. The verdict: out of all three albums (Dead Heart, Enemies and Dreaming Neon Black) there were TWO songs that I enjoyed: Dead Heart in a Dead World and The Heart Collector.

I can't believe how much material these guys can spew out and only end up with two good songs. The rest of the tunes are yawners. Droning guitars with angsty vocals.

It's like Opeth's Damnation. Nearly every song starts out with with riffs consisting of the same notes at the same tempo as every other song. Both are dull groups, in my opinion.
I like them, although Dreaming Neon Black was a disappointment(I just couldn't get into it) and Warrel, he's an average high-pitched vocalist to me. Nothing really special. Good music, though.
Dusk said:
Nevermore haters: Hey yeah man i fuckin hate nevermore too, their singer sounds like a girl and they guitars sound like blink 182 fuck them they are gay gay gay.

Nevermore likers: shut it up you! nevermore are winners!

Elitists: atheist are better than nevermore. you are all stupid and have no brains.
:lol: thats true, paticularly the elitists