Favourate Nevermore Songs?


New Metal Member
May 4, 2009
Henley-On-Thames, England
Hey, I saw another thread with the same theme so i thought I'd make my own.

Nevermore are probably my favorite band, and they've done some incredible songs, just wondering what you're top...5 are?
Also the reasons for why these are your favorite as well :) that'd be nice. (lol, please read my analysis if you can be bothered)

mine are

1. Heart Collector

2. Believe in nothing

3. Dreaming Neon Black

4. Sentient 6

5. Born? (not sure about this one, finding 5 is tough)

Runners up - My Acid Words, Sell My heart For Stones, Insignificant, Evolution 169, Inside four walls, River Dragon, Narcosynthesis, The Psalm of Lydia,

My favorite album is Dead Heart In a Dead World.. :p please don't tell me I'm an idiot because this is their most accessible album or something like that, to me this is them at their best.

Heart collector is my favourate because of the beautiful guitar part in the verse augmented by Warrel's awesome singing and really deep and meaningful lyrics, That combined with the chorus and an incredible solo make this my favourate.

Believe In Nothing was my first ever favourite nevermore song, the melodic harmony parts in this song make it such an amazing piece of music, every single note i love, also the fact that Jeff Loomis left out the shredding for this song make the solo sound more complete, and the melody of his playing is incredibly phrased and put together. Also the lyrics are very well written and i can relate to them probably more than most other Nevermore songs (though not Dreaming Neon Black..:cry:)

Dreaming Neon Black is my third favorite as it holds a deep personal meaning to me, Warrel sings this song as if he is speaking from within my mind. it's incredible... every single lyric i can relate to on a level that only my own music could possible achieve. also the female vocals add a new dimension to the music in my opinion.

Sentient 6 is a beautiful soliloquy that, as with a few other songs by Nevermore capture emotions perfectly and make you feel the pain. there's no escaping it, and that's what i love about Nevermore.

Born is an awesome, fast, furious and awesome song, the speed and shear precision of every member's playing is undeniably... awesome! though the first time i listened to this i skipped to the chorus as i love it! though i think Nevermore could have done a better job with the verses, the solo is incredible too.

sorry if I've bored you.
Yeah you have to let his voice grow on you, i didn't like the sound of it at first.

and i just checked, Wikipedia says the word is spelled 'favourite' in the English dictionary.. :Smug:
Great, great band for sure! Havent heard anything before "dreaming neon black" bu everything after is awesome. I love the mix of the somewhat rougher guitar style but melodic vocals. I also had a chance to catch them live a few years ago and I loved them. I can rank songs ut some that stand out are "dreaming neon black", "sentient 6" and indeed "the heart collector".

I think "enemies of reality" is the album by them I like the least. The new production version is alot better but somehow I dont like the flow listening to all ofthe album. Still good though.
Believe In Nothing, The River Dragon Has Come, The Sound of Silence (one of the best metal covers of a non-metal song ever...totally made it their own in a unique and great way).
Couldn't name a favorite, let alone five but i was just listening to My Acid Words. Amazing song.
Great song but so different Im not sure it would be called a cover. Its pretty much a Nevermore song with Simon and Garfunkel lyrics.

I don't see why it couldn't be called a cover. It was clearly done according to the same sort of feeling and of course has the same lyrics...I mean, yeah, it's written differently, musically, but they are still unmistakably linked, since the original is incredibly great and timeless also.
The River Dragon owns. I'll have to go look up what song is what to really come up with a list. I don't know most of the song names. I think most of my favorite songs will come from Enemies of Reality, Dead Heart in a Dead World and this Godless Endeavor.

But I have been thinking about posting about Enemies of Reality for a while now. I feel it is divided up into three sections. The first three song comprise the first section, and culminate in the song Never Purify, which is totally orgasmic. The transition from song two, Ambivalent to song three, Never Purify, is pure magic!
Nevermore FTW!

I like every song, but to me the one that stands out is Enemies Of Reality, I don't know it's just so fucking awesome.

1. The Sanity Assassin
2. The River Dragon
3. Born
4. The Passenger
5. No More Will

phantastic band with an exceptional and awesome vocalist. they rule on stage!
I don't like Nevermore, but the debut album of Sanctuary was really awesome and worthy of praise. It's definitely Dane's best vocal performance.
Hey, I saw another thread with the same theme so i thought I'd make my own.

Nevermore are probably my favorite band, and they've done some incredible songs, just wondering what you're top...5 are?
Also the reasons for why these are your favorite as well :) that'd be nice. (lol, please read my analysis if you can be bothered)

mine are

1. Heart Collector

2. Believe in nothing

3. Dreaming Neon Black

4. Sentient 6

5. Born? (not sure about this one, finding 5 is tough)

Runners up - My Acid Words, Sell My heart For Stones, Insignificant, Evolution 169, Inside four walls, River Dragon, Narcosynthesis, The Psalm of Lydia,

My favorite album is Dead Heart In a Dead World.. :p please don't tell me I'm an idiot because this is their most accessible album or something like that, to me this is them at their best.

Heart collector is my favourate because of the beautiful guitar part in the verse augmented by Warrel's awesome singing and really deep and meaningful lyrics, That combined with the chorus and an incredible solo make this my favourate.

Believe In Nothing was my first ever favourite nevermore song, the melodic harmony parts in this song make it such an amazing piece of music, every single note i love, also the fact that Jeff Loomis left out the shredding for this song make the solo sound more complete, and the melody of his playing is incredibly phrased and put together. Also the lyrics are very well written and i can relate to them probably more than most other Nevermore songs (though not Dreaming Neon Black..:cry:)

Dreaming Neon Black is my third favorite as it holds a deep personal meaning to me, Warrel sings this song as if he is speaking from within my mind. it's incredible... every single lyric i can relate to on a level that only my own music could possible achieve. also the female vocals add a new dimension to the music in my opinion.

Sentient 6 is a beautiful soliloquy that, as with a few other songs by Nevermore capture emotions perfectly and make you feel the pain. there's no escaping it, and that's what i love about Nevermore.

Born is an awesome, fast, furious and awesome song, the speed and shear precision of every member's playing is undeniably... awesome! though the first time i listened to this i skipped to the chorus as i love it! though i think Nevermore could have done a better job with the verses, the solo is incredible too.

sorry if I've bored you.

Probably a troll.