As a musican, is it easy to get bored ?


Aug 1, 2005
I have no musical skill whatsoever and played the guitar crappily for 3 months as a little kid.

But as a music FAN, I tend to get sick of songs and albums if I hear them TOO MUCH.

As a musician, don't songs get boring after playing them over and over and over, especially if you tour for many years and keep plaing certain songs?

Just like anything in life, repetition breds contempt. Maybe that's why you sometimes (actually alot) hear bands say they don't like their past albums or how much BETTER their newer music is.

This has always been a question I wondered about but never thought to ask until now. :wave: :wave: :wave:
Well, I'm not in a band but I have been playing guitar for a while now and yes, songs get boring after a while. I have a bad habit of playing a song I recently learned over and over and then I get sick of the song all together. Not very fun. =/
Hey... I'm no professional musician but I've been writing my own stuff for five years or so. I've also been the main song writer in some bands and project more or less succesful. For my part I can tell you, that I do get bored of my own stuff, actually quite often, but it's different than other music not written by me. My own compositions get boring mostly if I dont manage to improve or continue them. There is nevertheless something one could call a personal bond between the self written material and the artist himself. When listening to something written by myself I do not listen to it like I would listen to say something written by say Dan Swanö. While listening music the listener naturaly wants to enjoy the music he is hearing while as musician most likely listen to his own material seeking ways to make it more enjoyable by using his own taste of music to cultivate the music to the way he wishes to. Not excatly listening it to by jugding it the same way as other music not written by himself. This way the music itself lives with the ideas of the musician making it actually very intresting for the musician himself to see what he has managed to archieve. It takes alot of inbred perfectionism from the musician, but i guess that's the way musicians should be.