okay this album sounds really damn good, thanks to Colin Richardson for the mix, but from what I've read in the booklet, the album was recorded at Tim Lambesis home by him (with the help of the adam d. but he came as a producer when the cd was almost finished). But my point is that those guys are not professional engineers or anything, So did they buy a ton of studio gear or anything? OR if it was all done by Colin magic touch who transformed an average recorded mix into the Great polished cd we can hear..
I'd like to know more about it, because the fact is that it is a ''home recorded cd'' but professionally mixed and mastered, so could any '' mr. jobloeveryone'' could have done that?
If you have any info about this please share..
I'd like to know more about it, because the fact is that it is a ''home recorded cd'' but professionally mixed and mastered, so could any '' mr. jobloeveryone'' could have done that?
If you have any info about this please share..