As I lay dying - an ocean between us recording...

Mat Laperle

Dec 30, 2006
okay this album sounds really damn good, thanks to Colin Richardson for the mix, but from what I've read in the booklet, the album was recorded at Tim Lambesis home by him (with the help of the adam d. but he came as a producer when the cd was almost finished). But my point is that those guys are not professional engineers or anything, So did they buy a ton of studio gear or anything? OR if it was all done by Colin magic touch who transformed an average recorded mix into the Great polished cd we can hear..
I'd like to know more about it, because the fact is that it is a ''home recorded cd'' but professionally mixed and mastered, so could any '' mr. jobloeveryone'' could have done that?
If you have any info about this please share..
I believe Tim has some kind of relatively professional setup. He produced Sworn Enemy's last CD, The Beginning of the End. Zeuss mixed it, though. They recorded it at Big Fish Studios. I don't know if that's Tim's studio or what.

Sworn Enemy just finished recording their next CD as well, with Lambesis and Joey Z (Life of Agony) co-producing. Jordan from AILD did the drum tracks for the CD, since SE is currently drummer-less, and he recorded at Big Fish Studios, too. So there must be some kind of connection, even if it's only a "we like this studio" scenario, haha.

Also, Lambesis has been listed as a co-producer on all of AILD discs.

As far as sounds go, I think you could get great results with a home setup as long as you have the knowledge to know how to get good sounds with your gear and have a good ear.

Then, having someone like Andy or Colin mix makes it even better. I also think Andy has said they used quite a bit of replacement on the drums and reamped the guits.

So, heck, what's left, just vox!

I believe Tim has some kind of relatively professional setup. He produced Sworn Enemy's last CD, The Beginning of the End. Zeuss mixed it, though. They recorded it at Big Fish Studios. I don't know if that's Tim's studio or what.

Sworn Enemy just finished recording their next CD as well, with Lambesis and Joey Z (Life of Agony) co-producing. Jordan from AILD did the drum tracks for the CD, since SE is currently drummer-less, and he recorded at Big Fish Studios, too. So there must be some kind of connection, even if it's only a "we like this studio" scenario, haha.

Also, Lambesis has been listed as a co-producer on all of AILD discs.

As far as sounds go, I think you could get great results with a home setup as long as you have the knowledge to know how to get good sounds with your gear and have a good ear.

Then, having someone like Andy or Colin mix makes it even better. I also think Andy has said they used quite a bit of replacement on the drums and reamped the guits.

So, heck, what's left, just vox!


yeah man, well from what we see in the youtube video it is in fact at tim's home, and there is definitely professional gear out there, But it is not big Fish studio, he say in the dvd that it is at 5 min from his home, where he recorded frail words collapse and shadows. And in the ocean between us booklet it is written recorded at lambesis studio.. anyway we can clearly see in his home and his kitchen.. aha but it is good to hear that he got pretty amazing results with a homemade recording!
I don't really like the mix on the last As I Lay Dying CD, drums sound triggered to hell and clicky without that "snap" they had on the previous album. Guitars are good but a bit "lifeless" sometimes. And the material is less catchy.
I prefer Shadows Are Security, and it had more of something original soundwise. Not saying the new one is not good, but it's typical metalcore stuff, same snare, same kick, same guitars... boring.
In my opinion regarding the band; yes its still metalcore but i think its a big improvement from the previous stuff. The only reason i listen(ed) to 'Shadows are Security' is because of its spotless production.

But now i can actually bear them.
Wait you reamped for the new one " an ocean between us"? What amp did you use?
yeah man, well from what we see in the youtube video it is in fact at tim's home, and there is definitely professional gear out there, But it is not big Fish studio, he say in the dvd that it is at 5 min from his home, where he recorded frail words collapse and shadows. And in the ocean between us booklet it is written recorded at lambesis studio.. anyway we can clearly see in his home and his kitchen.. aha but it is good to hear that he got pretty amazing results with a homemade recording!

Sorry, I posted that from work, couldn't see the Youtube vid, it's blocked. Just wrote about what I know in regards to Lambesis and producing.
i think the mix sounds kinda cold and lifeless. The last album was a much better mix. Although i might be biased because the AILD formula is getting played out, it seems like it's even more formulaic now. Every song has singing in the chorus (autotune central).