As Promised... More Drum Samples


Mar 22, 2006
From the marvelous studio that is brighton Electric.

These are quite low tuned, certainly the snare as it was for a Post Rock Project, really fat though loads of beef..

The Info

Kick Was D6 + U47 fet + Subkick

Snare was Audix i5 Joesephson e22 s + shure 545

Room was royer 121s

Hall.. (THIS is where the fun is trust me.... the room is good but bland compared to this) was a pair of 414's

All Mics went straight into the desk - Vintage Neve 5316 (Sex) and had a touch of eq on the way in courtesy of the Neve eqs... Rude not to.

Desk went to the Otrai Mtr90 Mk ii
Then to Pro tools via the shiny new Avid hd converters. very nice..

hope you like them. I will do the toms that go with these when I get time.
AS always feel free to donate should you love them, or not... enjoy Fat
how heavily processed were the "Big Rock" samples in comparison to these "Big Fat" samples?

Both are great and have their unique qualities, but it seems like these might need a little more processing before they can work in the mix, which is totally fine.

btw, The hall is INSANE :worship:
Absolutely amazing! Loved the snare, loved the room and had tears of joy when hearing the hall! How can we donate?

P.S.: If possible, could you please name the snare and the drumheads you used on it?

P.P.S.: Can't wait for the toms! Can make the nki's if you want
These definitely aren't as processed as the other ones. Didn't want to bake too much of a certain sound into them. And to be honest for what I'll use them for, they're processed just right,
Kit was a dw collectors, with Evans emad on kick ec2 clear on toms. Snare is a pearl free floating brass with Evans hd dry and a moon gel.