Aside from AIC and Mad Season...

I've been wanting to hear Tad for a while, but never actually looked for them because they aren't on metal archives.
Green River
Mother Love Bone

All better than Soundgarden and Pearl Jam, who are in turn both better than AIC. Don't forget Neil Young who invented grunge.
Yea so all these bands suck. Close thread.

Surprised Paw didn't click with you on some level JW. I first came across the band playing Road Rash on my old 3DO game system back in like '94 I believe. Awesome game, and I thought the songs they used on the soundtrack were pretty badass (this was of course in that dead zone period between the death of metal in the early 90's and it's rebirth in the late 90's thanks to the intarwebs).

For what it's worth, the band was also attacked by womens' rights groups upon the album's release as it was widely rumored that the dog symbol was a cover up for the band name actually standing for Power Against Women. They also have a pretty depressive grunge rock vibe that I thought might work for you. It's definitely had staying power with me over the years.
I have nothing disparaging to say about Soundgarden. I like them fine, but not what I'm looking for. I think I'm going to grab everything Cantrell/Staley related and be done with it.
Layne, Mike McCready of Pearl Jam, the drummer of Screaming Trees, and some other pendleton wearing bastard who brought them all together. I made a thread about them years ago and Zod lambasted me for bringing attention to a band who supposedly was known over the world twice over. Apparently, this wasn't the case.


The entire album holds up to this standard. Par Excellence, good sir!
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That's not bad at all actually. Never had a thing for grunge, maybe Soundgarden now and then, but this is pretty relaxing stuff. Doesn't sound too grungy though.
That's not bad at all actually. Never had a thing for grunge, maybe Soundgarden now and then, but this is pretty relaxing stuff. Doesn't sound too grungy though.

...and in there lies it's appeal. Diversion from the Al Borland, board gaming at the bar, scraggy unwashed bangs beating against the agar dish of life faggotry that is Grunge. Faux woe-is-me angst, replaced by the sincere emotion in which only Staley can deliver. FedEx 24-7, rain, sleet, snow, or shine rock-n-rolla penetrating like a "clown on" session behind Nordstrom's, dontcha know. :Smokin:
wow, I'm really impressed with Mad Season so far

people been playing me a bit of grunge lately... i got into Nirvana Bleach after reading a book by the band's manager (Danny Goldberg) just earlier this year. and Soundgarden just rules from what I've heard

My buddy wants me to play on a cover of some STP song, i'll probably do it!

01 - All Secrets Known
02 - Check My Brain
03 - Last Of My Kind
04 - Your Decision
05 - A Looking In View
06 - When The Sun Rose Again
07 - Acid Bubble
08 - Lesson Learned
09 - Take Her Out
10 - Private Hell
11 - Black Gives Way To Blue