Ted Interview for a Brazilian Site


Brazillian Fan
Sep 15, 2002
Rio de Janeiro - Brazil
Hi folks!!!!

This is the link of an excelent interview with Ted for a Brazilian site.

It is in Portuguese.

I translated it to English with a Web Translator and the Text is:

Hope you like, but remember it was translated with a web translator because it would take me much tme to turn it into english! :Saint:

The Enchant is in the scene of the rock - progressive metal since the beginning from the decade of 90, having thrown its first complete album, "TO Blueprint Of The World", in 1994. Perhaps this disk be the most greatest problem for the band. A premiere considerada by the majority of the fans I eat practically impossible of to be exceeded. However, the group not pair of throw works of high quality and already is possible find persons commenting "Wounded", "Juggling 9 Or Dropping 10" and the last launching, "Blink Of An Eye", as CDs in the same level of the debut.
The fact is that to each launching the Enchant charms still more the fans of progressive. The open influences and varied, that they go of Marillion and Dream Theater to pop, alternative and to somewhat of grunge, they result in a sonoridade unique.
With six albums in the luggage, barely a decade of career, disk produced by Steve Rothery (Marillion) and successful tours with Dream Theater, Marillion and Spock' s Beard, the assembly already has a boa history to count and comment. Then here we are with Ted Leonard, him acclaimed vocalist of the band:
WHIPLASH! - "Blink Of An Eye" received the best possible answers from the press. Good reviews in the biggest magazines specialized of the world. After "TO Blueprint Of The World", the albums also received boa answer, but not of impressive way as this new. You imagined that that disk so would be praised?

TED LEONARD - I find that we begin have it that idea when to mixagem was finalized. Already we were expecting a peculiar answer for this album, thinking regarding the last launchings that we did. But I find that no of us had the perspective of that that difference would come with so much positive force. We assume some risks with "Blink" (N. of the E.: Blink Of An Eye, the new album) and as turned out came somewhat definitely heavier and straight. In some part, the arrangements are simpler, but I believe that the the biggest emotional shipment of the disk is exactly in this question.

WHIPLASH! - What influenced the band in the trial of composition of "Blink Of An Eye?

TL - Well, we begin the heaviest trial of composition in the epoch in that they the attacks terrorists occurred, but I do not I know itself some specific music was influenced by the tragedy. The streak of opening, "Under Injure" has a war time setting and as I was involved in the letter, beside Doug, I am able to tell that to mine breaks was more connection the history of the Vietnam. Doug and I we discuss about fear from the song before. I begin adding part that he also already had and when we join to compare the notes and everything more, we verify that, incrivelmente, we were describing entirely peculiar settings. But it functioned, we like the result and we confirm in the disk.

WHIPLASH! - After the exit of Paul Craddick, he had rumors of that the band would give ends to its activities. As you he was felt when said that would not persist with the band? You arrived it think of stopping really?

TL - I stayed a lot deceived when Paul said me of its intentions of its route musical move and do not more continue us, and I had doubts we would be been capable of continue without him. After all, he was an essential collaborator since our beginning, so much musicalmente I eat in matter of letter. His style of touch battery was an important part in the diferenciação of ours. In attempt and situations where we were compondo, he brought ourselves an immense advantage, because of his incrível memory. We could practice certain he breaks an only time and abandon read for months, and when we come back to her, he was capable of he say to everybody which wake up or melody occurred there. It arrived be frightening. But he finished leaving, and the differences musicals went of fact the reasons for that. He really was not interested in he touch any similar thing to the progressive one and we they will not want abandon that aspect of ours. Happily, the detachment did not shake the quality of our friendship, despite of is clear, certain, we will not see so much.

WHIPLASH! - As you entered in contact with Sean Flanegan and because they choose him?

TL - we Know the Sean by the Matt Guillory, a tecladista that does several works in the recorder Magna Letter. The Sean was in the band of him in the epoch, to which was a kind of Dream Theater heavier. Its abilities impressed us, but did not be really our style. Afterwards he entered in a band of pop rock called Truth About Seafood and there yes he his battery he sounded more near to our ideas, with a footprint more rock. Doug and I we accompany some shows and we converse enough with him. It is a great company. We end up choose read because he supplies any necessary ability to a drummer of progressive and because he was interested also in he collaborate in the composition of the song, instead of be barely an impressive drummer. That is rare and a loudly well coming attitude for us.

WHIPLASH! - Some persons you come saying that the Enchant returned to its progressive roots, with enough technique, variations of time and that would be on account of "Blink Of An Eye" sound so well. You complies with that?

TL - Good, with an atmospheric and technical point of sight, definitely comply with that. However, there is not so much breaks of time I eat in albums past. I find that no of us sits down to write a song thinking that is going to be progressive. Barely we try put the maximum one of emotion in the song and a lot of that can come from an instrumental intricate one, somewhat that the majority from the song popular present looks ignore.

WHIPLASH! - THE band comes working with alternative influences and pops also. You did not it you arrive think that that would be a suicide for the Enchant in the progressive environment? As you work for mixar those influences and interest prog?

TL - Everybody we are and always we will be influenced by the song from the atualidade and case did not we leave that she influences us, we would put us like photographers musicals, catching images the which thought that the persons go like more and be more more apt it buy. And we are artists musicals, tentanto contribute with somewhat the only one and original. It is clear that probably we would be able to achieve more success we were done six albums sounding as "Blueprint" (N. of the E.: the debut "TO Blueprint Of The World"), but I find that the progressive scene does nothing have to do with charity and the taste from the majority. To atualização is part of the own trial of atualização. Then we maintain ourselves progressing and moving and like this we maintain us interested and putting in office in what do we do.

WHIPLASH! - Which bands of pop, alternative, grunge they influence the Enchant?

TL - Speak in name from the band is complicated, but in the gallery, I know that Stone Temple Pilots, Tonic, Jellyfish, and King' s X - that specially I worship. I find that myself common quality of these bands is the ability of balance the complex with a strong footprint.

WHIPLASH! - The song of the Enchant always bring reflexive letter, the times dark, depressive. sometimes dark, depressive. Everything of where comes that?

TL - Barely everybody the letter of the Enchant are derived from personal, but our experiences perspectives and personal philosophies pierced radically. I frequently write about depressive topics, but always try tecê read in an idea of hope. I find that an essential part of the personal growth is the exploitation from the pain, instead of as others , ignoramo lás.

WHIPLASH! - Come Back to seven years behind. The debut "TO Blueprint Of The World" still is considerado by the majority of the fans as the big disk from the band, a true masterpiece. As you deals with that? It complies with the idea?

TL - I agree? Not. I like of this album, but he does not reflect my personal tastes musicals, neither the stuff he is related a lot with my style of he sing. I stayed happy that others still they speak a lot... and well of this album, but my focus is (and always was) help the near disk it be the best one.

WHIPLASH! - THE Steve Rothery (Marillion) had enough participation in the "TO Blueprint...". As the contact went and the experience of work with him?

TL - THE Paul and the Doug they gave a tape pra he in an of the shows of the Marillion and he returned and we begin to correspond. Did not I work a lot with him, but the Paul and the Doug they worshipped the participation of the Rothery. And in fact, many of theirs ideas, they gave life to several of those music.

WHIPLASH! - Speaking of Marillion... the two you Were from the band (with Fish in the vocal and subsequently with Steve Hogarth) healthy causes of an of the more polemics arguments in the progressive environment. Which it is to its favorite Era and because?

TL - Fortress and enfaticamente I prefer the Hogarth. He sings with conviction and impressive emotion. "Season' s End" and "Brave" they had big impact in my vocal style. About the Fish? Well, he was able to really he write great letter, but not with himself he hear more of ten seconds of a song with him without he have will of jump read.
WHIPLASH! - Come Back to the Enchant. You did tours with big bands, including Marillion, Spock' s Beard and Dream Theater. What did you learn how with those experiences? Which went to more important and memorable tour for you, and because?
TL - I Find that everybody were memorable and high significantes to theirs own way. With the Marillion, we touch for eleven thousand persons in a show and the Steve Rothery entered in the stage in the, for the encore, touching "Nighttime Sky" (N. of the E.: Rothery participates of that music also in "TO Blueprint Of The World"). It touch with the Dream Theater was fantastic. They are extremely pleasant and they have the feet in the ground. James (N of the E.: LaBrie, vocalista of the Dream Theater) and I we converse too about the discipline and the practice He passes at least thirty minutes coaching before of he go up to the stage. That it was a ritual that passed adopt it. But facilmente, from far away, the tour that more enjoy went with the Spock' s Beard. We divide a bus with them and after each show, we left pra take advantage of a little. In the majority of the nights, we stayed to four from the morning singing all of the kinds of music... Beatles, David Bowie, Yes, Abba. Before of we will touch, I watched all of the shows of the Spock' s Beard and they were not repeated, era always great.

WHIPLASH! - Which flat from the band for the future?

TL - we are preparing stuff for ours near album, that should leave in July or June. After that, we should do tours by the Europe and by the United States. Up to that time, the stuff looks to be catching where "Blink Of An Eye" stayed must, despite of now we will have a tecladista I set that will be able to the form move and the direcionamento of the work. In the last two albums, did not we have that element soon in the beginning, upon we will leave for the compositions, even with the Doug and the Paul doing a great paper in the keyboards.

WHIPLASH! - Obliged by the interview Ted. It leaves a message for the fans and do what quiser in that last part.

TL - Obliged you. For the fans of the Enchant, they can expect, therefore 2003 will be a great year. They stayed aware to July, when we should throw the album. Also visit our site in www.enchant.nu or www.theoasis.cc, with atualizações constant.
Ted now that you are giving interviews to some brazilian sites, please come with enchant to South america man!
I´m accepting South america instead of asking to come to Brazil. Do you see the size of my despair?:waah::waah:

But really Cool interview man!

And you play guitar really well!!:rock:
Can you give me some classes? :grin::grin:

What the ? :) that was differant? Good Job.

Sevlar can we all come doen there for a vacation, we need one!

Ted rules :) He does play guitar and smokes baby!

Ted you forgot to mention the Habib project :)
He smokes???? :Shedevil::Shedevil: Damned!!!

Tell us more about the Habib Project! :grin::grin:

Of you Vacation here in Brazil you can come to my house!!! I will give you food, a bedroom and pay a maid to wash your clothes! :heh::heh:

Of course you will have to do a exclusive show to me! It can be in my playground!:grin::grin:

What do you think?
I can contract some cool girls to dance for us! :rock:
Well i had a huge laugh with the translated message ... i'm portuguese ... those automatic translators suck :p

If anyone didnt understood something let me know ... but i'm not gonna translate the hole thing ... that would take forever