ASIO Drivers ?


Lag Arkane
Jun 11, 2005
The Netherlands
anyone knows a good asio driver ?
i think i need to update cause my soundcard is cracking like a madman.
and when i change te latency ms in Nuendo it stops untill i play audio again.

any recommends on a good asio driver ? ( i got a audigy 2 )


weird, my audio is even clipping when i am not playing any audio not even using nuendo. just when in windows, i hear clipping . . .wtf is going on !!

VIDEO: here you can see/listen how it goes:
The only ASIO drivers you can use are the ones made for your soundcard, if there are any. Check Creative's website.
No, you can use "KX project drivers" or "Asio for all" as well. But I'm not sure you will be able improve significantly the latency.
Brett - K A L I S I A said:
Clipping as in digital clipping, the signal being to loud, or as glitches and drop-outs ? Try reinstalling your soundcard... Or maybe it is dead :-/

hmm no the signal isnt to loud, it could be of my pc. it was on so long. so i put my pc out the whole night and the clipping is over.
I don't know if anyone else has heard me rant about this similar thing, but I think I am having the same problem Mendel. I just bought a new comp (which I'm having lots of fun still figuring out how to get up and running) thanks to help from EtherForBreakfast, so I'm hoping that problem is in the speakers seemed to be crackling/clipping all the time even with listening to mp3's and watching movies....but I never really noticed it until I started recording shit.
~BURNY~ said:
Is your mobo based on a Via chipset?
I have an SB live on my internet machine and had a lot of trouble because of this. VIA+Emu soundchip= crackling, so this question is important.This is a well known problem.
Mendel said:
not working.

Try moving your soundcard to another PCI slot.

Mendel said:
weird, my audio is even clipping when i am not playing any audio not even using nuendo. just when in windows, i hear clipping . . .wtf is going on !!

How can it clip when you don't play any sound ?
Define what do you mean by "clipping".