Gear problem


Lag Arkane
Jun 11, 2005
The Netherlands
I have a terratec phase 22.
When I use any program that uses asio, i can't use anything besides that containing audio.


I use guitar Rig 3 with ASIO.
When I leave guitar rig 3 on and try to play a mp3 in windows media player or whatever at the same time, i simpley can't hear the mp3 or so.

Same thing with Nuendo 3, when i'm working with nuendo 3 and open a youtube video or anything that uses sound it simply won't play.

When I use directsound in guitar rig 3 I can hear anything beyond, but the latency is aweful.

It's like: when i use a program that uses asio, I can't use anything else that has audio.
How can i use ASIO + other stuff ?
what about checking the nice little box "release ASIO driver when in background" in the sound settings?

He asked how to use ASIO + "other stuff", not how to disable it without closing GR3.

Honestly this is purely a driver issue. You said you're using ASIO with your Terratec Phase 22, but are you using the latest Terratec drivers, or are you using something like ASIO4ALL to piggyback the WDM/KS drivers? If something other than the first option, it's not surprising you're unable to combine ASIO streams with DirectSound streams, as the drivers are the sole factor determining that possibility. For instance, the official ASIO drivers for my M-Audio Fast Track Pro allow me to use ASIO + Directsound if I start the ASIO first, or if the DirectSound stream is the same bit depth/samplerate. Slightly inconvenient, but definitely flexible enough to do what I need it to.