BUS/ASIO Problem


Lag Arkane
Jun 11, 2005
The Netherlands
I just received some nuendo files of our band and it was recorded with BUS Fireface ASIO. At my home i don't have that, i ave only my PHASE 22 Asio.

So when i start up the projects, i don't hear shit because out says ASIO fireface.
And i can't chnge it to Phase 22 Stereo Out because i can't find it anywhere.

How can i change so all the channels can become Phase 22 Asio OUT ??
I can change what ASIO drivers I'm using in Nuendo itself...I have a choice of 3 or 4 different drivers. I find it under Devices>Device setup>VST multitrack. There's a pulldown menu where I can select what ASIO driver I need?


you aren't using Nuendo are you?