Asking Alexandria - Reckless and Relentless

Drove to Portland and back and listened to AA's RR CD the whole trip along with Perfect Trend and our own in house DWSD EP.

R&R is a great record all the way through. Everything works together well - the band, the sound and the production. It's a complex mix with lots of variety. Drumming is energetic if not spectacular. I really like the movement in TRK 04 2:30 et al before it breaks into the melodic section. The cymbal roll at the very end is really cool. I hope that was a live recording done by a human! I'd be bummed to learn it was a sample.

About the vocals - Road & tire noise kills the vocals on this CD. Since there are a lot of tracks, guitars alongside, and ambient processing the vocals do not rise up the more you turn it up, to counteract the road noise. So in the car on the highway they get buried especially the I5 it's a really noisy surface. I've got a HU850 system in the Volvo R it kicks out pretty good too.

Our trashy EP in comparison, the vocals will cut through. We have 2 lead vocal tracks (of maybe 10 in play) panned dead center and very dry with chorus on one track. So this is a much more simple mix but when I cranked it up I the vocals rose above the rest vs being buried the in reverberation of the car space (it's a wagon too!).

So that might explain the complaint about the vocal tracks. With the car at a stop it's fine everything is clear.
Yeah trolling around in the SUV the other day and the vox are up front on Stand up and Scream but they carry the songs and that's OK by me. First time I heard that record I liked the mix I think your ears compensate, never a mistake to have vox there.... Even take it all the way down and a good song pops out.

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Yeah. I can understand this.
When Joey does the "buried vocals" records, they don't work well in my car. Mainly because I spend most of my time driving on the highway (I commute between RI and MA as well as touring)

However, when I get in town, I can turn the radio down and hear everything perfectly.
Perhaps Joey could make a highway mix and a normal listenig mix. Haha.
Yeah. I can understand this.
When Joey does the "buried vocals" records, they don't work well in my car. Mainly because I spend most of my time driving on the highway (I commute between RI and MA as well as touring)

However, when I get in town, I can turn the radio down and hear everything perfectly.
Perhaps Joey could make a highway mix and a normal listenig mix. Haha.

i think the main reason why this is happening is because on this album i used a 50% / 50% pan because there were 2 takes of 95% of everything.

so if you're sitting on the left side of your car, you're only hearing like 10% of the right side that makes up the total vocal sound.
So, Just received my June 2011 copy of Guitar World, and it says that they recorded with a Peavey 6505+ for the album... I know they use Peavey's live, and Joey has said he occasionally uses real amps with impulses, but I was under the impression that the album was all Podfarm?

the magazine is wrong about a few things. oh well.
Different speakers make different frequencies stand out. Joey, do you listen to every mix through different speakers? I usually listen to them in my main monitors, then crappy computer speakers, then laptop speakers, car speakers, stereo speakers and lastly headphones and earphones. Do you do that too? I notice that it helps me find the sweet spot as far as volumes on everything.

i stopped listening to mixes on multiple systems. just trusting my a7's. sometimes i'll listen to it in my car once and make a tweak based on that. but when i do that, i usually end up killing 2k or 4k because my car loves those frequencies for whatever reason.
the magazine wants to be wrong esp when big sponsors are concerned!!

AA are using Sommatone custom amps. At least that's what I saw roll onto stage in Vancouver ("OH FUCK" lol). Not that it matters, the tube amps are going to sound similar with their own personality of course.

Back to the mix. I figure you need to have a playback system that is pretty flat or center with good clarity. All other systems will be colored after that but at least the mix is at the center point. I turned down our mixes to barely audible and listened that way. Made sure the snare and vocals were last to leave my ears, but just.
AA are using Sommatone custom amps. At least that's what I saw roll onto stage in Vancouver ("OH FUCK" lol). Not that it matters, the tube amps are going to sound similar with their own personality of course.

how early did you get there to see them backline the amps that dont even face the crowd that are behind scrims? And how much did it cost to pay the door man to let you in to see it?

just curious. :loco:
Yeah trolling around in the SUV the other day and the vox are up front on Stand up and Scream but they carry the songs and that's OK by me. First time I heard that record I liked the mix I think your ears compensate, never a mistake to have vox there.... Even take it all the way down and a good song pops out.

I know its off topic...but i got to Post.....His Voice is SOOO Awful..he has no business god....I don't get it

Joey you must agree ...come one dude.....sounds amateur as fuck
I know its off topic...but i got to Post.....His Voice is SOOO Awful..he has no business god....I don't get it

Joey you must agree ...come one dude.....sounds amateur as fuck

err, maybe for an acoustic session yea.
Where he really shines, in my opinion, is his higher scream singing. Which obviously wasnt needed in the acoustic session.
I actually dont really care for the band, but I do in fact think he is a good singer when in the right setting
how early did you get there to see them backline the amps that dont even face the crowd that are behind scrims? And how much did it cost to pay the door man to let you in to see it?

just curious. :loco:


Almost every recent live video I have seen they have been using 6505 heads (they took off the logos though...). Looks like they use Peavey cabs too now, but I've also seen them use Marshall and Mesa cabs.