Asking Alexandria - Reckless and Relentless

Just watched that. It's a shame Danny can't pull off the cleans live. He has such a great voice but hitting the right notes seems to be really hard most of the time. The live mixing wasn't too great either. The vocals seemed to be a bit.. umm.. alone? But I'd rather hear the artist actually sing than lipsync. No matter if it's out of tune. It's all about the feeling.

EDIT: Closure had a better feeling!

The vocals seem to get buried in the mix all the time. But that's not Dannys fault.

who ever mixed this thing fucking sucks...
That Singer Sounds horrible.....thats one thing i notice about the bands that go to Joey there clean singer live is usually horrible another bad one is We Came as Romans.....Awful live singing...Cd sounds good but they are tuned and processed on there.
Anyone know how Joey does the glitches in this album, such as the one in the start of 'Closure'..?

Does he cut and edit by hand, or use a specific plugin? :notworthy
Danny is actually a really good singer, just sayin

you guys gotta think, they tour years on end so his throat is constantly being used which makes recovering from any type of illness or throat problem damn hard. Secondly its their first "live" TV show (nerves have got to be all over the place) and It seems like he is sober when he is used to singing drunk as fuck. It all plays a roll.
I would honestly say Danny is one of the better singers that Joey and Nick have tracked.
Danny is actually a really good singer, just sayin

you guys gotta think, they tour years on end so his throat is constantly being used which makes recovering from any type of illness or throat problem damn hard. Secondly its their first "live" TV show (nerves have got to be all over the place) and It seems like he is sober when he is used to singing drunk as fuck. It all plays a roll.
I would honestly say Danny is one of the better singers that Joey and Nick have tracked.

+ 1
They did 31k in the first week and made it to number 9 on The Billboard 200! I'm not positive, but I'm pretty sure that this is the biggest first week a Joey produced album has ever had. Congrats Yoseph and Nick!
everyone tries to pin a million reasons on the whole singer live / studio thing.

the fact of the matter is seriously, in the studio you're just standing there, and you can punch in. thats all it is folks. it's not because we "fix it". yes we edit it, but if it was shit at first, it will be shit after editing. so yeah, you still need to be able to sing well.

and for whoever said (he's no where NEAR the notes at all), you're exaggerating.
Yeah but the guy's been in a really rough spot lately. If I were in his position I'd be nowhere near as good as him there.

I think this is a pretty damn fine performance and vocals in the final breakdown are fantastic. (Obviously I'm talking about the Kimmel performance).

Also what kind of an audience does Jimmy Kimmel attract? Is it a young one? Or is it the American equivalent of Jonathan Ross or something.

this was a one time relapse
everyone kicked his ass for it.
That Singer Sounds horrible.....thats one thing i notice about the bands that go to Joey there clean singer live is usually horrible another bad one is We Came as Romans.....Awful live singing...Cd sounds good but they are tuned and processed on there.

check out any videos of their live performances on the day to remember tour they were just on. kyle actually sounds like the record.
Anyone know how Joey does the glitches in this album, such as the one in the start of 'Closure'..?

Does he cut and edit by hand, or use a specific plugin? :notworthy

just lots of messing with little bits of audio from the song. almost all my weird nosies are made from parts of the song. you'd be surprised what you can do with a 64th note of a guitar or vocal.
Different speakers make different frequencies stand out. Joey, do you listen to every mix through different speakers? I usually listen to them in my main monitors, then crappy computer speakers, then laptop speakers, car speakers, stereo speakers and lastly headphones and earphones. Do you do that too? I notice that it helps me find the sweet spot as far as volumes on everything.
Different speakers make different frequencies stand out. Joey, do you listen to every mix through different speakers? I usually listen to them in my main monitors, then crappy computer speakers, then laptop speakers, car speakers, stereo speakers and lastly headphones and earphones. Do you do that too? I notice that it helps me find the sweet spot as far as volumes on everything.

I do the same, I find a really helpful trick is to put it on your cellphone, ultimate small speaker mono test :D
How involved were you in writing the lyrics/melodies for this album... would you say that you wrote the majority of them and is this a common thing for you producing the bands that you produce... do you typically write a lot of the lyrics and typically place them (singing/screaming) where you think they sound good in the arrangement?