Asshole/Bitch Test

BloodyScalpel said:
I am 92% Asshole/Bitch.

You are one of those people that love to hear the sound of their voice. That and your lousy attitude make for a mixture as toxic next-day-mexican-dinner-ass-drip.

I didn't lie, I swear! :lol:
Hey, you live near argentina; it's understandable. :lol:
I am 33% Asshole/Bitch.

You may think you are an asshole or a bitch, but the truth is you are a good person at heart. Yeah sure, you can have a mean streak in you, but most of the people you meet like you
Missery said:
but there may be a group of other tight knit assholes and bitches that you hang out with and get you. Everybody else? Fuck ‘em.

thank you!! at least i got around 10% less asshole than you :p
I am 13% Asshole/Bitch.
Not an Asshole or a Bitch.
You are not an asshole or a bitch, more like an asshole and bitch target. You have no backbone, and fold at even a slightly insincere look. Stop crying, you wuss.

NO backbone?! CRY?! I'm gonna kill those pigs! >(
I am 19% Asshole/Bitch.
Not an Asshole or a Bitch.
You are not an asshole or a bitch, more like an asshole and bitch target. You have no backbone, and fold at even a slightly insincere look. Stop crying, you wuss.

I am 31% Asshole/Bitch.
Part Time Asshole/Bitch.
You may think you are an asshole or a bitch, but the truth is you are a good person at heart. Yeah sure, you can have a mean streak in you, but most of the people you meet like you.
I am 15% Asshole/Bitch.
Not an Asshole or a Bitch.
You are not an asshole or a bitch, more like an asshole and bitch target. You have no backbone, and fold at even a slightly insincere look. Stop crying, you wuss.
