ASSHOLE William Grim Disses Dime

he's an idiot. he's putting down a form of music and a lifestyle he knows nothing about. that's called ignorance. let him say what he wants. i knew as soon as i heard about dime's shooting that there would be people in the media who would use it as an excuse to bash heavy metal music and say it causes violence.
I read the first two paragraphs and thats it. all he did was talk about how dimebag and metal fans looked, smelled and dressed. he obviously has never been laid.
It's wankers like this guy who wind up in a fuckin mental institution. It seems clear to me that he has no idea about the real world outside whatever freak church he belongs to. The weak and misguided fool finds support from other weak misguided bible bashers who take things to the extreeme.
If we were all like this prick, everyone would be topping themselves. What a sad, pityfull and boring outlook on life. In the words of the band 311 "Fuck the neh sayers " We all know Dimebag was King. Isn't it funny that someone who preaches all high and mighty can be so vile, insensitive, and unforgiving.
If a guy like this appeared in Australia we'd send him home on the first plane outta here with a fuckin rocket up his arse. :hotjump:
Cast not lest ye be judged yourself. This pussy bitch has the audasity to judge me? Latin Proverbs and Bach do not equal intelligence. Dime (as we all I'm sure concur)had more tallent than this jack-ass who hides behind the talent of other's with quotes and foreign language to spice up his jibberish. Dirty? I'm dirty? I'll tell you one thing I'd fuck a Metal head after an all day ride on his Harley before I'd touch that judgmental piece if Sh*t right out of the shower!
Yeah, we have one fucker just like this in Sweden, the medival-paranoid Jonas de Geer, I love reading his rants about homeless, muslims, angnostics and his dispisal of youth culture like rock, rap, reggae and other niggermusic... he´s hillarious, too bad he don´t know it. People like this should suck Göbbels cold dead penis (but they´ll probably like it).