ASSHOLE William Grim Disses Dime

I emailed this to my friend in Ohio. He said hate mail would be petty shit to what he is gonna do. he has a program that will send this asshole 50 emails a minute until he wants to stop!!!
He's just after a reaction. Ignore this fucker - don't waste your time on a piece of shit like that.
This was a letter my friend sent him:

This is a letter one of my friends wrote to that gentleman:

I was appalled after reading your editorial on Darrell Abbott. Who are you to say that heavy metal represents ugliness and ignorance? Ignorance to me is someone pretending to be worldly, yet still judging a style of music and a group of people with no actual knowledge about them. Ugliness to me is writing about a senseless death injecting your opinion with no real sense of who the man was, what he did and what really happened. Put yourself in the shoes of Darrell's brother or his wife: not such an accident waiting to happen, is it? Here's a hint: one cannot learn about metal from Bob Larson, TBN, Tipper Gore, the PMRC, Bob Dole or Pat Roberson.

I have attended hundreds of heavy metal shows. Very few of them have had security or violence problems. What you fail to realize is that there are crazy people everywhere and in all walks of life. Most of us are free-thinking individuals who are educated, self-sufficient and genuinely good people.

If heavy metal has such a strong link to violence, what about country music? cartoons? Should we blame Yosemite Sam because he was always walking around shooting his guns looking for a fight?Is Johnny Cash an ignorant barbarian based upon his lyrics?

The classical musicians you mentioned in your hateful writings were not as wonderful as you described them. Mozart and the other composers you mentioned had serious problems with addictions. Tchiakovsky was a homosexual who was oppressed his entire life, probably by the same ignorant fools such as yourself.

Here is another update: Darrell was the furthest thing from ignorant. He lived life to the fullest, travelled the world many times over bringing his music to millions of people such as myself who were genuinely touched by it. These are experiences far greater than you have ever had. Getting a college degree is not the be-all end-all measuring stick for being cultured. Darrell was a genuine, caring human being who was primarily concerned with making sure that the people around him were having a great time. In other words, he did not waste his time looking down upon other people just because they were into different things.

Just because you don't understand a genre of music/art does not mean that it is not a valid form of music/art and furthermore it does not mean that the people who enjoy and play this type of music/art are ignorant heathens.

Powerful imaginations are not conservative, either. Powerful imaginations are free-thinking, they challenge the status quo and do not back down from the dominant schools of thought, no matter how elitist or ignorant they are.

In the future, it might serve your interests better to think before you write. That way you are not as insulting to your readers and you do not look the fool. It says on the page that you lived in Germany? I must say that your sense of values are very similar to a group of people in power over sixty years ago, the Nazis. They enjoyed judging and discriminating against people different from them.

Tempe, AZ

P.S. I am a college graduate working on a Master's Degree who has never owned a gun in my life, I am religious, family-oriented, unselfish and an extremely motivated man who would never dream of attacking or killing another human being. I also try to learn about people different from me before I write about them.
matt99_crew said:
It's A Joke. It's Not Real. Check It Again.
I don't care if it's a joke, you still don't fucking write something like this, especially this soon after his death. Joke or not, Fuck William Grim.
I also wrote a short but sweet letter to mr. grim. here it is:
Whoever is responsible for writing such sickening slop should be
I cannot believe how so much garbage fit into one story!
Excuse me for jumping to conclusions, but I can say without a doubt in
my mind, that the author of this article(William Grim) has NO IDEA what they are
talking about. I do not care what type of music you like, or dislike. The
This is no time to be arguing about if "metal" is "good" music or not.
There is a bigger issue.
Did your "author" even stop to think about the victim's family or
friends? I highly doubt it.
Also, what does demeaning fans of an EXTREMELY TALENTED musician
accomplish? What does that have to do with anything?
(If the writer did any research at all, he would know how talented
Darrell Abbott was, and that the last thing that his music lacked was
But I digress, regardless of my opinion, your opinion, or God's
absolute word, a man is dead, for no other reason but that a psycho was
jealous. If you want to revel in the fact that a life was taken, there is no
place in this world for you.
That's one major reason I find myself at home in the metal family. We know what it's like to be singled out by our appearance and choice of music. Went to Slayer Wed. night and after, my friend and I went to get something to eat at a restaurant in Mandalay Bay. As the walk became longer & longer to the back of the restaurant to a section we later named the "Hessian Section" we just laughed.
I understand this whole Iconoclast is something like a parody site? Like Infernal Combustion used to be? Still I find it highly inaproppriate to joke about Dime´s death like that.