My new enemy......

sixxswine said:
The fact is you need people like this in the world, it's keeps it in balance.
You can't have all the good guys with the white hats, you need the guys with the black hats & the ones that wear grey ones too...
You know, sometimes I think that the guys with the grey hats are the most annoying and dangerous. At least you can count on the guys with the black hats to be honest.
alot of what this guy is saying is almost word for word from a book that was a pisstake on the books about the origins of metal and where its at today. this is nothing but a joke and sorry no i dont remember the name of the book
Hawk said:
You know, sometimes I think that the guys with the grey hats are the most annoying and dangerous. At least you can count on the guys with the black hats to be honest.
You're right Hawk, the guys in the black hats are honest. You always know where you stand with them. The guys in the grey are another story & they do at times the potential, to be the most damaging...
a) the heroes wore black
b) the grey zone is the dangerous indeed
c) on the other hand extremism is usually about seing things in black and white like that turd (thanks JD) is doing

Am I making sense?
totally wyvern.

i actually e mailed him a very polite letter,but have recieved no reply.guess the guy only has time to write editorials,rather than answer criticism.

we know who we are and why we listen to and love our music.what he says is irrelevant.
baldyboy said:
I actually e mailed him a very polite letter,but have recieved no reply. Guess the guy only has time to write editorials, rather than answer criticism.
It is more likely that he is totally overwhelmed with email since I am sure this is not the only place his link and editorial have been posted. I am not trying to side with him mind you but often when people don´t reply it is because they have many emails or don´t go online often enough to keep up.

We know who we are and why we listen to and love our music. What he says is irrelevant.
baldyboy said:
we know who we are and why we listen to and love our music.what he says is irrelevant.
Hell yeah, but no less dangerous. As defenders of our lifetyle we must look upon these types, ignorance is not bliss is suicidal.
The heroe always wear black. Baldy is right look at Zorro.

Heroes in white are pop, in black are metal :lol:

Look at Terminator, Matrix, Tomb Raider, From Dusk Til Dawn, Batman, The Punisher (the white skull means nothing).
I normally don't waste my time with idiots like this guy...but I had to say something. Here is what I emailed him:


Your comments on Metal music, the fans and musicians are completely uneducated and extremely ignorant.
Everyone is entitled to their opinion, but the idea that one should be somewhat educated on a subject before forming an opinion is one that I truly believe in.
If you knew anything about Metal - and the spirit that it is rooted in, you would understand beyond the shadow of a doubt that musicians who play Metal music are some of the MOST talented in any genre in existence. Many of them are classicaly trained and understand music theory on a very high level. If you knew anything about music as a whole, and understood music theory, you would be able to see that Classical music (which myself and many other Metal fans LOVE) and Metal are very closely related. Of course, there are extremely horrible bands in Metal that are shallow, untalented and produce nothing more than noise. That is true in every genre of music.
I would also point out that slamming someone for the way they LOOK is about as ignorant and neandertal as what racists preach. You would probably call me barbaric, thuggish and low class based on the way I look - I have over 40 tattoos that cover my body. Does this make me worthless and untalented? I serverd 6 years in the USMC infantry, serving my country honorably. I also put myself through school with my own money after leaving the service, and now work in Corporate I ask again - does the way I look make me untalented, low-class and barbaric?
Again - everyone is entitled to their opinion. But you have gone ahead and proven the fact that unless you educate yourself on a subject before forming such a drastic opinion, you do nothing but disrespect the opinion you have formed by not knowing what the hell you are talking about.
I will gladly debate you in a rational, sensible and respectful fashion either on camera, on the radio or in some other format.

Please also note that I have not resorted to taking potshots at you, even though you probably deserve it.
