William Grim is an idiot...

I found this at that Ebaums site, and I think it's some quality advice we should all keep in mind in a time like this...


You know who you are. :lol:
I had some extra time on my hands so I decided to bother writing a response to this stupid article. While I understand most (or all) of you disagree with me on the validity of christianity, I hope you can get past that to read my email (if you feel like it). Also, I'd like to comment that this guy does NOT sound like a christian to me, whether or not he claims to be, trust me, he's not.


I must say that despite your claim to be a "conservative elitist" who wants essentially the "best of everything" (a naive comment in and of itself) and your apparent claim to be a "christian" you are obviously seriously lacking in something.

I myself am a Christian and I seriously question your so-called "christianity"... your title proves my point:

"R.I.P. DIMEBAG ABBOTT, & GOOD RIDDANCE" ...despite the fact that Dimebag Abbott is most likely suffering in hell for eternity... this is NOT something to rejoice in and I must say you are being a true hypocrite. The very fundamentals of christianity lie on that we need to reach out to the lost.

You sir, are merely being a modern pharisee, an "white-washed tomb" as Jesus said. Additionally, you claim that Dimebag Abbott was an "untalented" possessor of a guitar and amplifier system. Your ignorance in all matters music knows no bounds... To say that Dimebag was "untalented" shows that have never witnessed Dimebag play the guitar, something he did with incredible finesse, speed, and skill, though he was by no means "the best".

I next want to counter your attack on heavy metal bands as well as the listeners themselves (the fans)... First of all let me say that I whole heartedly agree with you that rap is not very musical, although I do not bash on those who appreciate it.

I am a heavy metal fan, particularly a fan of something called Black Metal (undoubtedly you've never heard of this because you didn't bother researching metal in the first place for your "article")...

I am not part of a group of "semi-human barbarians who were filthy in attire and manner, intellectually incoherent and above all else, hideously ugly to the point of physical deformity"

I have a perfect GPA in high school (yes I'm in high school), and undoubtedly more knowledgeable about the world than you are, because, unlike you, I've lived on 3 continents and have visited over 30 countries in the course of my life.

Your rediculous implication that heavy metallers are uncultured fools is absolute ludicrous. In the world today, heavy metal is pushing the boundaries in the music world, and is actually demonstrating originality (though hardly in all cases, they are plenty of worthless metal bands). In addition to this, amongst my friends, those who love heavy metal also have a tendency to love classical music, namely one of those great composers you mentioned... Beethoven.

While you are undoubtedly correct that Sebastian Bach is superior musically to Dimebag Abbott, you fail to realize that it is possible to have different levels of genius and talent. Bach was a phenomenon, a child prodigy who was writing music at an extremely young age. However, you are simply ignorant, biased, and unappreciating of music to deny that Abbott was a great and talented musician.

I ask you this... do you only listen to a selected few composers such as the mentioned Bach and Beethoven. If you do so limit yourself, you are missing out on the point of music. Enjoyment. While I understand that some will never enjoy distorted electric guitars played at incredible speed, you must at least appreciate the skill involved.

I am positive that if Beethoven himself were to live today, he would, while perhaps not enjoying the sound of heavy metal, appreciate the genius (in some cases as I said, not all) of it. I thoroughly agree with you that pop, rap, and other mainstream, commercial trendish music are nearly always devoid of talent, heavy metal, is a radically different case.

"A confidant civilization imposes its morality and aesthetics on it young people. Yes, you heard it right. We impose."

I tremble to think of how your children will turn out... perhaps they will develop into Aryan supremacist neo-nazis? You yourself sound dangerously like one with your preaching of the "superior". The fact it that children and youth are to be guided, but not imposed upon! Jesus specifically spoke against this when he essentially said that fathers are not to frustrate their children.

"As far as I am concerned, those who advocate a dumbed-down liturgy and schlocky pop music substitutes for Bach, Handel and the masses of the Renaissance, are as offensive as the Presiding Bishop of the Episcopal Church and his perverse sexual politics."

Absolutely absurd. You should be ashamed. Comparing musical taste (as bland as popular music admittedly is) with sexual perversity simply disgustes me. How you can call musical taste a sin is beyond me, but I guarantee you, it is not to be found it the ten commandments! I do not seem to recall reading any verses that stated that those who had "superior" musical tastes would be the ones in God's favor. Ha!

Finally, I want to comment on what you said of metal fans: "hideously ugly to the point of physical deformity"...

Even if this were true, which it isn't, this is a completely off topic point. As you are undoubtedly aware, unless you are more ignorant than I thought, people cannot help being ugly OR beautiful. They are born with it. Physical beauty is passing and unattractiveness is something that cannot be helped. How does this comment even advance your point? It is once again an absurd comment by you.

Do you advocate the killing of all ugly or physically deformed people?Do you advocate the killing of all those who do not pander to your "superior" musical tastes? Do you advocate the killing of the said "metalheads"?

Ironically, you are subscribing through all these extreme elitist and superiority views to the very same views that some (note: SOME) heavy metal bands believe in, a little something called National Socialism... otherwise known as Nazism.

Leighton Law
I sent him an email too. Here's mine:

I recently read your "article" denegrating fans of Heavy Metal music, and Darrle Abbot (R.I.P.) I have come to the conclusion that you are the ignorant one. You prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that you are completly uneducated when it comes to metal, it's fans and what it represents. You are the lowest piece of christan scum, and that is the truth. You are so blind with ignorance that it saddens me. Here are just a few examples of your blind ignorance:

"The squalor, inhumanity, filth (both in the metaphorical and hygienic senses), depravity, ugliness and ignorance of everything that heavy metal represents (Like rap, I cannot use the noble term music in a description of heavy metal) creates a mindset among its devotees in which Mr. Abbott's assassination was an event that was all but waiting to happen."

This is complete bullshit. You obviously know nothing about heavy metal, or what metal music is about, or what it represents. You say that Mr. Abbott's death was waiting to happen because of metal? That just shows your ignorange. Metal music may be very abrasive in nature, but it in no way, shape or form encourages violence. If anything, it is AGAINST violence! It allows people to let out their emotions through the music, insted of lashing out at people in the real world.

"It was highly amusing, and also terribly sad, to watch on television fans conducting a "vigil" for the slain Mr. Abbott outside of the Alrosa Villa. It was an assemblage of ignorant, semi-human barbarians who were filthy in attire and manner, intellectually incoherent and above all else, hideously ugly to the point of physical deformity. Here is a definite case in which the outer appearance of these "fans" accurately represented the hideousness of their souls. That the physical deformity of their ugliness was self-inflicted makes the spiritual tragedy of their misspent lives all the more tragic."

The fact that you think this about metal fans is quite sad. It saddens me that you are so blind with ignorance. Once again, you know absolutly NOTHING about metal fans and culture. Mr. Abbot's music ment something to a lot of people, and the fact that you piss all over the memory of him, and all over his fans makes you the ignorant barbarian. Just because the fans wear shirts displaying their favorite bands logo does NOT mean they are semi-himan barbarians. In fact, the fact that you blindly judge metal fans by the way they dress makes you the ignorant semi-human barbarian. Your soul is much more tragic than any metal fans. And just who the hell are you to call metal fans ignorant when you yourself are the ignorant one, because once again, you blindly judge metal fans based on their cloths alone!

"But one can see why the heavy metal fans so closely identified with Mr. Abbott. He was an ignorant, barbaric, untalented possessor of a guitar and large amplifier system. Freakish in appearance, more simian than human, he was the performer of a type of "entertainment" that can be likened only to a gorilla on PCP. Lacking subtlety, wit, style, emotional range and anything approaching even the smallest iota of intellectual or musical interest, Mr. Abbott was part of a generation that has confused sputum with art and involuntary reflex actions with emotion."

This has got to be the dumbest thing I've ever read. You once again prove your ignorance of metal music by calling it talentless. I would love to see you pick up a guitar and play a metal riff or a solo. It takes much talent to play the guitar. Metal is not intellectual? Once again, another ignorant statemnt. Read the lyrics to Pantera's "Cemetery Gates" or any of the songs by the band Summoning, and tell me that those are not intelligent lyrics.

I am writing this because Mr. Abbot, Pantera, and metal has impacted my life, something your ignorant, cave man like critique of metal music will not, and will never! Before you judge fans of metal music, and the heavy metal culture, why don't you take the time to look into your own mind, however small it may be, and maybe you will finally see that you are in fact the ignorant one. Unfourtanitly, that is something you will not do, because in your polluted christan mind, anybody that dosen't agree with you is wrong, and anybody that likes heavy metal is an ignorant semi-human, which they are not. You are the ignorant semi-human.
They were great responses, but they will most likely do little to sway the original writer's opinion.

A shame that in this day and age bullets can cause more contemplation and reevaluation than well-chosen words.