
Unfortunately not, the band didn't turn up either. It was all the PR media people - bit of a waste. No groupies or drugs either :erk: Haha but it was free booze so it worked out well :goggly:

heeey did i meet you after the gig? were you with asif and some other dude?
Scans from this week's Kerrang:

Thanks for that sleeper666! :kickass: I sorta agree..the sound was pretty bad, i was in the front row and could hardly hear the keyboards or vocals or...much O_o But they rocked anyway and it was great gig. :D But every gig ive been to at the astoria has had bad sound...bad venue? me with bad ears and luck with the bands? ha! i dunno. Hopefully they do another gig in London at a another venue. :D

And lmao at the captions on the photos "Behold the mighty booger!" lol! :lol:
Awww...well I'll be at Nightwish in a week's time. I reckon I could buy you a drink to make up for ditching you at the crunch :D
@ metalbeard: I did try a higher resolution originally, but then I couldn't get it to upload to Photobucket as it
was bigger than the maximum size allowed. If anyone knows how to do this, maybe they can let me know!
Thanks for the scan. I saw that at a store the other day...was gonna read it at the store but I was in a hurry and didn't wanna buy the mag :lol: