I recently acquired The Weirding, the new album from San Diego-based Astra, a "Psychedelic/Space Rock" band that hooked me from the first listen.
The album is a 70s prog fan's wet dream. It's loaded with Mellotrons, Moogs, ARP Synths, electric and acoustic guitars, and pianos. It reminds me of Camel in their heyday. It even sounds like it was recorded in the 70s.
The arrangements are often long, lush, meandering, magical, and hypnotic. Sort of like a cross between Camel, Hawkwind, Caravan, and...?
These guys aren't Symphony X or Suspyre. So don't expect in-your-face, blistering guitar and belt-'em-out vocals. But their musicianship is superb.
I've listened to this one non-stop since I got it.
Has anyone else heard The Weirding? If so, what do you think of it?