At A Loss For Words, But Will Try Anyway....


Alone Within My Lunacy
Sep 4, 2001
Visit site
I've noticed all the threads about the current "state" of the NEVERMORE forum and I don't know what to say, but I'll try. First off, this is a forum to express opinions and ask questions that is all things NEVERMORE, METAL, or whatever else. If I see a post that doesn't interest me, I don't reply. Yes, I could care less if Warrel Dane "Whacks Off" or "Who Whacks Who", and I didn't reply to those threads. But, people have the freedom of speach and can say what they want. YES, I've noticed that some people don't visit or post as much as they use to (examples: General Zod, metallized, L.S.D. Philosophy, etc...). I guess my point is is that not everyone is going to have the same opinions and not everyone is going to agree with each other. Therefore, I think we all can agree to disagree and respect each others opinions. If someone is pissed off, let them vent. If someone dislikes something let them state why. If you don't like what someone posts, either tell them why or don't post at all. I hope this makes sense, and I know not everyone is going to agree with me, but oh well.