At loss for words

Sep 1, 2001
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is it just me or does this song make you wanna cry. its great! i love the ending how it goes from piano to guitar and then it gains feedback as the song ends. true brilliance! One of the greatest songs ever. :)
How many people like this song as much as i do?
Also another great song off Haven is Fabric
the keyboards are amazing and the song is beautiful!
As I have said many times on the old forum, my favorites on Haven are definitely different than those of the majority. I dislike Fabric and consider At Loss for Words only average. :|

The Wonders at Your Feet, Not Built to Last and Haven, on the other hand, are extremely good. And Rundown and Ego Drama come pretty close behind.

i never thought the 'majority' considered at loss for words so good... anyway: i like it a lot (my three picks from haven being feast of burden, at loss for words and the same), but it's nowhere near as good as on your time (sounder structure).
apart from the difference in priorities, i pretty much agree with demonspell as to what 'closing' tracks are best... except that on some cds the last songs on projector and haven are exposure and cornered, respectively. :)

I got to be in tht majority too, cause I consider "at loss for words" the best song in HAVEN. i also agree with sentencedtoburn in fabric, that song rules, especialy after the line "wait for it..." and then that roar that only make me wanna headbang all around. :)

BTW, is there any other bonus song?:confused:
dunno but i sure can't pick "only" 3 of the haven just can't be done:() the whole album rox so much..every song is special on their own..but this is just me :D
TheReaper said:
Probably because some people (like me) think they ruined a nigh-perfect song with it and some people think it's great.

Anyway, i haven't been able to make out the meaning of the lyrics. They look great, but the meaning seems evasive. Does anyone have an idea about what they could mean?

Waiting for--
Waiting for the signs to bring the first to sing
Felt in-between these fears
Set to unknown tunes
So tempt these fragile fiends
A grace gone dark
You'll never know
You'll never feel
You'll never taste
The depths of your defeat
Break into the hearts and minds of Man
Never one to tell
Never one to tell
Sucking on a lie that never ends
Found at loss for words
Found at loss for words
Break into the hearts and minds of Man
Never one to tell
Never one to tell
Sucking on a lie that never ends
Found at loss for words
Found at loss for words
Now locking on--
Locking on to faith gone bad
Sweet touch of sin
Not in the sleight of hand
Can facts be lost?
So never understate your case
Deny our weight
There never is
There never was
There never can be
A break from binding chains
Break into the hearts and minds of Man
Never one to tell
Never one to tell
Sucking on a lie that never ends
Found at loss for words
Found at loss for words
Villain said:
As I have said many times on the old forum, my favorites on Haven are definitely different than those of the majority. I dislike Fabric and consider At Loss for Words only average. :|

The Wonders at Your Feet, Not Built to Last and Haven, on the other hand, are extremely good. And Rundown and Ego Drama come pretty close behind.


The wonders at your feet and rundown? I would call THAT majority. Though Rundown is one of my favorites. i think it's better than at a loss for words...
SentencedToBurn said:
is it just me or does this song make you wanna cry. its great! i love the ending how it goes from piano to guitar and then it gains feedback as the song ends. true brilliance! One of the greatest songs ever. :)
How many people like this song as much as i do?
It makes me want to break stuff, actually. Riffs like the main riff in that song just have that effect on me.
One of the best off Haven.
Although I feel stupid adding my 2 cents to discussions that have been dead for five years... Every song on Haven can have a profound affect on me. It's the album that got me into DT and I still think it contains their most majestic compositions. The Same, Haven, Feast of Burden, Fabric... All just grab me by the left ventricle.
Tritonus said:
The wonders at your feet and rundown? I would call THAT majority.

Well, back in 2001 and on the old DT-forum they were not that popular. I remember running some polls back then and recall Fabric was deemed the best song from Haven. By the way, Rundown has fallen behind many other DT-songs in my personal ranking since - it does no longer affect me nearly as much as it did five years ago. The Wonders at Your Feet and Haven are still my favorites on that album, though.

As for album closers, I very strongly feel that with My Negation DT finally succeeded where they failed with At Loss for Words. My Negation is the perfect epic closer that does not feel tedious or overly bombastic.

ALFW is neither tedious nor bombastic, and i completely disagree with the assertion that DT "succeeded with My negation where they failed with ALFW". ALFW isn't a failure, but rather an excellent song (and even if it's not one of your favorites i can't understand why you think of it as a failure); and, although both songs do have a lot of things (even song structure) in common, they are different songs with completely-different lyrics.
I don't really connect with "At Loss for Words" like I do with other songs off Haven. To me, "Emptier Still" is a more emotional and powerful song. It's probably the least musically complex song on the album, but that helps to create the somber atmosphere of the song.

And as for album closers, I think "My Negation" is the best. "...Of Melancholy Burning" is incredible as well, but the guitar harmonies combined with the piano at the end of "My Negation" is probably my favorite piece of music in DT's catalog.