'At the Gates' Info...

Hammer of Might

New Metal Member
Jul 25, 2003
London, England
I'd like to find out more about At the Gates - I can't seem to find their site, and there doesn't seem to be any specific discussion area here at UM, so I just wanted to ask a few things...

1) What genre would you say they are?

2) Do they have a website?

3) What's their best album?

4)What other bands are they similar to?

Thanks a lot!
High On Maiden said:
I'd like to find out more about At the Gates - I can't seem to find their site, and there doesn't seem to be any specific discussion area here at UM, so I just wanted to ask a few things...

1) What genre would you say they are?

2) Do they have a website?

3) What's their best album?

4)What other bands are they similar to?

Thanks a lot!
1) Melodic Death Metal, though they mix it with some thrash elements

2) http://home.swipnet.se/atthegates/

3) Thats a matter of opinion, my favourite is "Terminal Spirit Disease"

4) Hm, you might try some other bands located in the göteborg area... Dissection, In Flames, Dark Tranqulity, The Haunted...
High On Maiden said:
I'd like to find out more about At the Gates - I can't seem to find their site, and there doesn't seem to be any specific discussion area here at UM, so I just wanted to ask a few things...

1) What genre would you say they are?

2) Do they have a website?

3) What's their best album?

4)What other bands are they similar to?

Thanks a lot!

1) Originally death metal, got more melodic as time went on.

2) They have a forum here on UM, look a bit harder. ;)

3) It depends on your preference. Generally speaking, elitists would say their first two albums. People who really like gothenburg would say Slaughter of the Soul. People who fit in between would like Terminal Spirit Disease the most.

4) Ohh, difficult question. I've heard them compared to Necrophobic, Slayer, Dark Tranquillity....it all depends on the album. Superb band though.
all death metal, cept some of the songs on S.o.t.s... some of the greatest songs on that album are thrashy...
Thanks a lot for all the direct information. I thought there might be a forum here at UM, but I didn't look very well obviously!

They sound awesome - I'll definitely check them out!

1) What genre would you say they are?
Melodic Death.

2) Do they have a website?
Not an official one that i'm aware of.

3) What's their best album?
Terminal Spirit Disease.

4)What other bands are they similar to?
Dark Tranquillity, Opeth
GoD said it best. Though they hardly sound like Dark Tranquillity. Profanity, they have nothing in common with Opeth. The nearest band to them would be Eucharist.

Their first two albums are the best.
Guardian of Darkness said:
Generally speaking, elitists would say their first two albums.
Oh, PLEASE. So now one is a fucking "elitist" for preferring At the Gates when they were at their most original..?
Perpetual Demise said:
Oh please, how were they more original in the first two albums than in the last??? I think they stayed very ortiginal throughout their entire career
The last album was mostly just melodic thrash. Granted, it hadn't been done quite like that before perhaps, but you will NOT find an album that sounds even CLOSE to "The Red in the Sky is Ours." You will also have a very hard time finding one that is as good as it, but that's another story...
The "grotesque"-age was great... (as well the mini as the (re-issued) fulllength... gardens of grief was extremely good, but terminal spirit disease was an awesome album too...
However, in my extremely humble opinion : slaughter of the soul was simply perfect... a track like 'blinded by fear' will NEVER be forgotten...
You should thank us when you have finished receiving all the information.

Shut up Profanity. Technically, all my questions HAD been answered at that point, so I was simply thanking those people who had already replied.

That post was completely irrelevent to my question.


btw, thanks everyone else for the rest of the info - much appreciated!
