At The Gates Rollcall

Great show! Got there around halfway through Darkest Hour's set and the place was just ridicously packed to the brim. I managed to get about 2 feet from the stage by the time At The Gates started and just stayed there for the whole show. The setlist was all over the place and it definetly had something for everyone, some tunes I had no idea what they were and apparently neither did a lot of people there, I'm guessing a lot of them only have the Slaughter Of The Soul album. There was a ton of kids that didn't look a day over 18, pretty cool considering the last ATG album came out 12 yrs ago when they were 6 yrs old. Every song was played note for note and they really didn't have any problems until the end of the night when one of the guitars started to have issues which were fixed by the time the encore came about.
Despite the sweat, the smelly armpits, people's lack of hygiene and the bodysurfer who's ass landed on top of my head, the show was a total blast.
I went to the show with Rachel (Shadowlioness) and Jon (DEADHEART). We also ran into Aaron (Soullforge) after the show but didn't see anyone else from this forum.

Now they just need to write a new album. Good times! :kickass:
Jose pretty much summed it up. The sound during Darkest Hour was freaking terrible. It was nothing but a big wall of booming bass. I was praying that it would get fixed for ATG. Thankfully it did. On more than one occasion I would turn to either John or Aaron and say "I can't believe that I'm actually hearing this stuff live." I was in sheer awe and yeah, everything was note for note. I've actually seen the HOB more packed than it was last night...for Dimmu Borgir and also for Down. It was close though!

I can die a happy woman.

Oh wait...CARCASS still needs to get their happy asses here. :D
Jose and Rachel summed it up pretty damn well! I'm still in awe that I finally got to see songs from one of my all time favorite albums played live. Two moments of their set that will stay with me for a lifetme, "World of Lies" my all time favorite ATG song! And the encore of "Blinded By Fear"/"Suicide Nation"/"Kingdom Come". WOW!!!!!!
Darkest Hour was freaking terrible.


I wasn't there 'cause of moving issues/getting settled and whatnot, but I assume this is a pretty safe assumption.

Damn sad I missed this show... I'm hoping they'll make another run through here, but I'm not holding on to the thought too tightly. I guess I can only hope, like Rachel said, to see Carcass if/when they come through this part of the country...
Haha. Yeah I'm not a Darkest Hour fan at all. I was just nervous that the shit sound was gonna continue through ATG.

I wasn't there 'cause of moving issues/getting settled and whatnot, but I assume this is a pretty safe assumption.

Damn sad I missed this show... I'm hoping they'll make another run through here, but I'm not holding on to the thought too tightly. I guess I can only hope, like Rachel said, to see Carcass if/when they come through this part of the country...

I knew you were moving...still sucks that you missed it. :( I dunno, I hear buzz about them possibly coming back around, but yeah, at this point it's not worth setting ourselves up for disappointment.

Carcass I think should be coming this way. :)
btw, Municipal Waste and Toxic Holocaust were awesome too! i have never seen so many loose shoes being thrown around in the pit. plus the wall of death was AWESOME
who throws a shoe? honestly?

damn i wish i was there to see it.
In anycase I saw Toxic Holocaust on an off date in a house/converted venue in Lansing.

It was crazy, almost got clocked by a guitar and had to get ductape out of the car to fix a mic stand.