
Chris here from FOURWAYKILL , only been a member since last years BS but enjoy the messages and chat , good to see so many people out there so passionate about metal!

drink wise , i like a good south african charddonnay white wine, lager? it has to be carlsberg EXPORT and as for spirits , JD and coke ( only two pieces of ice mind) and a long tall screwdriver ( the drink , not the band!)

heres to a great metal new year , cheers to all of yah!
I still pop in here from time to time. I'm more into the forum at

Fav drink gotta be Guinness, I do like a tipple of real ale from time to time as well as Cobra beer, tiger beer waggledance etc. Don't touch them spirit thing's myself like.

Who did you all vot for to be the headliner then?
I still pop in here from time to time. I'm more into the forum at

Fav drink gotta be Guinness, I do like a tipple of real ale from time to time as well as Cobra beer, tiger beer waggledance etc. Don't touch them spirit thing's myself like.

Who did you all vote for to be the headliner then?
I'm here too.... altho not a regular poster, I am a regular checker :tickled:

My drink of choice would be a chilled glass of the crispest Chardonnay (or 6)!!!! I love wine!! I could drink bottles of the stuff! Gotta be a decent one tho!! I also like Vodka, Southern Comfort, and i have a bit of a thing for Aftershock!!!!! Mmmmmm :hotjump:

I can't stand lager, whiskey, or Baileys!!!

Ohh and has anyone had that pepper Vodka????? Its really nice!!!! :hotjump:
Busy back at work after christmas - those kids keep me on my toes! Hence, not too many posts....:erk:

Fave drink, as mentalee will testify as the most expensive he has ever bought, is black russian. Cheaper (?) moments has to be stella or straight JD or brandy.
It's no laughing matter mate!! When the bloke asked me for £6 for her Black Russian and handed me a HALF PINT GLASS I thought he was taking the piss!!! Still none the wiser as to what a Black Russian actually is......I remember having a swig of Lydian Ladys' that night but let's be honest....anything that costs £12 a pint is gonna leave a bitter taste regardless :lol: