@ at Vodka

Doodoobubbachuck said:
Thanks!! Hey did anyone see Ashley Simpson there with her 4 guy pals in tow? Way to go Ashley! Also, Tenacious D was there getting a Maiden fix on!

They were both there? I didn't get to see them in the crowd. I was in the front, maybe that's why. I didn't know where to look, you rockin girls on stage, the dancing girls on the bars, or all the hollywood hotties watching the show. I did notice that you have a cute drumming ability. You can eat and drum at the same time, what was that you were munching on during one song?! Besides the singer, I notice the drummer the most (even though drummers are in back) because if I could I'd play the drums. By the ways, thanks for a wonderful show, I had a blast. :D :Spin:
kalifguy said:
I did notice that you have a cute drumming ability. You can eat and drum at the same time, what was that you were munching on during one song?! ................. By the ways, thanks for a wonderful show, I had a blast. :D :Spin:
LOLOLOLOL!!!!!!!!!!! :oops: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Our manager fed me one of those delicious meatballs I was raving about in another post for this show!!! It was the last batch of meatballs in the tomato sauce that our favorite waitress saved for us and heated them up while we were playing. He didn't want me to miss out so he fed me the last one while I was playing! :lol: :lol: :lol: BUSTED!!!
Glad you had a good time! Thanks for coming out! Til next time! :wave:
Doodoobubbachuck said:
LOLOLOLOL!!!!!!!!!!! :oops: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Our manager fed me one of those delicious meatballs I was raving about in another post for this show!!! It was the last batch of meatballs in the tomato sauce that our favorite waitress saved for us and heated them up while we were playing. He didn't want me to miss out so he fed me the last one while I was playing! :lol: :lol: :lol: BUSTED!!!
Glad you had a good time! Thanks for coming out! Til next time! :wave:

So it was meatballs, aha!! It was funny because my friends didn't catch it. But then again, they were probably looking at Wanda. ;) :D
Okay, first of all being new to this site after becoming a new fan of the Iron Maidens, after hearing them at Club Vodka (nearly a month ago now), I suppose I should introduce myself.....Most people know me as Sean or "Big Sean", but the members of the group, as well as a few others possibly may know me better as the big, extremely handsome, and incredibly charming doorman at Club Vodka. I grew up listening to bands like Iron Maiden, and when I first heard that we were getting a Iron Maiden cover band playing there in the upcoming weeks, I have to admit I was skeptical that anyone could truly pay proper homage to such a great Heavy Metal band, and at the risk of sounding like a shovanistic pig, I have to admit I was even more skeptical when I heard it was all hot girls. I met you all breifly in the few weeks prior to your performance, and thought to myself...."well, even if they don't deliver in the musical skills department, at least they all seem cool, and they're cute, so it's not a total let down." Well, I'm happy to say that any possible doubts I had of how they sounded or how good their stage performance may be were completely way off base! These girls rocked, and fully delivered everything a fan (or Doorman) could hope for! I normally like working the door since the Doorman is the only person who doesn't have to spend mind numbing hours around the corner from the club, standing on the corner and babysitting the neighbors (Something the city forces the club to do, which really sucks, but must be done at all times that the club is open), but on this particular night, I was sorry to be on the door, cause I'm not supposed to leave the front door unattended, and didn't have anyone to cover me so I could slip inside and enjoy the show. I had to take the risk though, and went in anyway to watch them for a few songs (still keeping an eye on the door of course, making sure I didn't completely neglect my job). I'm more partial to the drums when it comes to rock, and I was happy to see that Nicko was definitely getting a run for his money that night! And being the doorman, I am obligated to say that I'm a bit dissapointed to see that someone broke a club rule by taking pictures in the club....but the fan side of me thinks the pics were great!....so it sort of evens itself out! :D

Now back to a few issues regarding Doodoobubbachuck,.....ya know, most guys like me would think to themselves "gosh, a cute girl, who is such an awesome drummer, in such an awesome band!......a guy like me could never stand a chance with someone like her!.....What would she ever see in a bum like me?!" But thanks to this site, I see that I got the perfect way to get her interested in me!......Being an employee of the club, I have access to all the free meatballs she can ever want! :wave: A funny story about those meatballs (well, at least for those who got to witness this guys reaction it was funny) Rick James was in our club the night before he died, and the following week some guys were discussing his death outside the club, and one of them was eating a plate of meatballs at the time. Making sure to not actually look his way, in hopes that it would seem like I never noticed the guy eating them right there, I said "yeah, it's strange when these things happen!.....I saw Rick here the night before, looking in top health, having a good time in our club,.....even eating a big ol' plate of the meatballs here, and the next thing you know he just drops dead!" Now, I expected this guy to know immediately that I was messing with him, but as I finished saying that, he had just put a meatball in his mouth, took a few chews, and then realized what I had said and just got this look of shock and stopped chewing,....staring at me for a good two seconds with his jaw hanging open, with the partially chewed meatball still in his mouth practically staring back at me, making me think that I may have to duck if he ever decides to actually spit the "poisened meatball out", which he never did. Finally the guy says very seriously seeming...."you're f'ing with me, right?!?!" For some reason he was the only one out of the 5 or so of us standing there who didn't seem to find it too funny. But I assure you all that Rick James did NOT really eat the meatballs shortly before his untimely demise!......You see, just taking a deep sniff of his plate o' balls was all it took! :loco: And finally, I have to end this message by saying shame on you Doodoobubbachuck! I would think that being a member of the best cover band there is,....you'd be able to tell the difference between Ashley Simpson, and our version of a "Ashley Simpson Cover Fan"! The girl you saw is actually Avy Lee Roth, a friend of ours who is actually a porn star and regular at the club. She does look a LOT like Ashley, and many others have thought the same thing.

Anyway, it was great having you play at our club, and I hope to see you all back soon!

hard to resist meatwad huh!!!
BigSean53 said:
......Being an employee of the club, I have access to all the free meatballs she can ever want! :wave:

LOLOLOL!!!!!!!!!!!! :headbang: That rawks Sean!!!!!!! That's a hilarious story about Rick James and the meatballs too! :lol:

BigSean53 said:
..you'd be able to tell the difference between Ashley Simpson, and our version of a "Ashley Simpson Cover Fan"! The girl you saw is actually Avy Lee Roth, a friend of ours who is actually a porn star and regular at the club. She does look a LOT like Ashley, and many others have thought the same thing.
Doh! I was only relaying what I was told by several people, so please forgive. :D She did resemble her in a way, no? I guess any Ashley Simpson fans know what porno to get if you want a little "Ashley lookalike" thrill! ;)

Thanks for a fun and safe night that night! Hope we'll see you again sometime soon! :headbang: