Jeff Milne said:
If enough time has passed, and if any possible hard feelings there MIGHT have been have healed enough, one way to have a Maiden Marathon without vocal cord remnants ending up on ebay would be to have [almost certainly only as a special one time thing] all 3 line ups that there have been of The MaidenS play on the same stage on the same night for a total of about 3.5 to 4 hours. If this would be too exausting for the 3 people who've been in all 3 line ups, occasional guest players could be used to give them breaks. Wouldn't that be incredible? I'd sure pay extra to see it.

Would not be exhausting for the three members who've been in all three line ups at all, but this scenario would never happen. :cool: Interesting thought, tho we have moved on long ago. ;)
I was just being funny, Jeff, cuz they were talking about playing for DAYS!! :p

Losing the voice has never been a problem for me. You're talking to the girl who once did 4 -1 hour shows a night, 18 straight days in a row, in the desert - including New Year's Eve! (and I'm not one to hold back and "save" my voice, as you know - the way I sing is the way I sing!)

People I work with joke that I must have leather vocal cords cuz I've never had nodes (even tho I love to scream) and I've never had to cancel a gig in my life due to vocal problems - even sang through strep throat once, though I must admit that wasn't the most fun gig I've ever had! :loco:

I credit my vocal coach in college. He gave me good training and solid technique, which I learned before I ever stepped foot on stage. I'm not a technophile and don't really think about "technique" unless I'm sick, but knowing how to sing properly and with good support has been my savior many a time when the body wasn't in top form!
When you play “22 Acacia Avenue”, do you need inspiration? I know I do; the live version from ‘Life after Death’ takes so much energy and meter, I can’t play it unless my heart is pushing me, cause it takes real work, but I can’t wait to watch all of you play, I dig watching other guitar players, I always get something out of it that, because every guitar player has a style, a delivery, a way that’s their way, something helpful, because it’s more stuff, and it’s all about variety of stuff, as much stuff as possible... :loco: