Just got home from Galaxy show in Santa Ana

Oct 5, 2003
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Haven't seen a Maidens show in about a year almost. This was definetely a setlist that was amazing. I never thought I would hear some of these songs live again by anyone. One of the guitarists was in a chair due to an ankle injury but still kicked ass.. The new guitarist was awesome, great stage presence, don't know how they keep finding talent like this but damn nice work! The place was apparently sold out though for some reason it didn't feel like it. I was on the floor and it didn't seem to jam packed on there. I could be trippin' but seemed that the crowd was kinda not into it as much as previous shows I have seen, but that could be due to them playing some songs that most non die hard Maiden fans don't know too well.

They opened up with Different World which was fuckin awesome. They did the Doctor Doctor intro just like Maiden did on their last tour and busted into Different World which threw just about everyone in their for a loop but I thought it was brilliant and glad they did it. So refreshing to hear something like that instead of the typical wrathchild or aces high. They also threw in Tailgunner which was another pleasent suprise. One of the only songs I like from No Prayer for the Dying besides the tittle track. Also Sea of Madness which kicked ass as well as Alexander the Great which I never in a million years thought I would hear live again! The rest of the set list was of the typical classics.

These ladies flat out kick ass on stage its truly amazing to watch them. Their musicianship is excellent. I work in the music biz. Have bounced around from all the major labels and its hard to find talent like this in many of the major bands I have worked with.

There was one downer of the night, some dip shit decided to stab someone right in front of the stage. The band had to stop for about 5 minutes to figure out what happened. The guy apparently wasn't seriously injured but was bleeding from the wound. I am not sure if they ever found the guy that did that but I hope so. For some reason I am not suprised, Santa Ana is filled with a lot of scum bag trash, and this venue doesn't do ANY security screening when you enter, not even a simple pat down, maybe this will change something.

None the less they kicked ass as usual and I had a great time.

I don't remember the exact set list im sure someone that isn't as wasted as i am will post it on here :headbang:
The show did totally rock!

Bummer about the incident. But, rather not dwell on that. The girls picked things up and rocked till the end. Loved hearing Alexander the Great!

Many many thanks for bringing Derek Riggs. For any Maiden fan - that was beyond huge.

When does Sara get the cast off?
full review to come...but just wanted to post tonight's set list for those who asked. odd night. something was off. usually the galaxy shows are special & intense. maybe it's the all-ages venue, who knows. perhaps there were a lot of newbies there tonight that didn't quite know what to expect. but i did notice the energy was a bit lacking. not everyone of course, but a lot of people. it definitely didn't look sold out to me.

in santa ana's defense (i live in the valley), there are scumbag's everywhere LOL there were two guys wearing "nazi" t-shirts with swaztikas on the backs that were better behaved than the pair of knuckleheads aja had to thump. her performance of "the evil that men do" just after "the incident" was the most passionate, emotional song i've ever heard her sing. she was feeling it, i tell you. i wonder if anyone was videotaping during "sanctuary"? next time a roundhouse kick to the head might be more appropriate, aja. she even used the "f" word, that pottymouth! LOL i'm sure we'll hear more of it on the forums in the coming days. at least no one from the band broke their foot LOL

wasn't quite close enough to the stage last night to get any really good shots, but these are the highlights:

did anyone count how many times sarah knocked her mike stand down? LOL i loved it when she twirled around in her chair. she's so energetic when she plays, i could tell that she just wanted to jump up and start running around...


i told derek that i liked how he drew eddie like a punk rocker during the first album. no a lot of people realize that:


she looks like she's in pain, but i think that was "acting." LOL i wondered when the last time she washed her toes LOL i signed her cast "keep on rocken" like a good barely-literate high school metal-head LOL

Wow, now that is some setlist!! I wonder which one is the "one time only" song. My guess is Alexander. That sucks about the whole stabbing thing. :( Hope the person was ok. What happened with Aja thumping someone??

Aja never Thumped anyone. She just asked the crowd to back up off of the stage because she thought a few kids were getting squished up against the barrier. That is ALL. No thumping. Then she just got really mad when she found out someone was stabbed and it pretty much put her on 'tilt' for the remainder of the set, which was only about 3 more songs or so
Certainly one thing I've always loved about theIronMaidens, was their willingness, and ability, to play songs that even Maiden won't play anymore.

I'd love to hear, AND SEE, Alexander played. * sigh * Maybe someday.
Aja never Thumped anyone. She just asked the crowd to back up off of the stage because she thought a few kids were getting squished up against the barrier. That is ALL. No thumping. Then she just got really mad when she found out someone was stabbed and it pretty much put her on 'tilt' for the remainder of the set, which was only about 3 more songs or so

I see. She doesn't seem like the type to smack someone in the crowd. I was just going by what Raveballs said...

there were two guys wearing "nazi" t-shirts with swaztikas on the backs that were better behaved than the pair of knuckleheads aja had to thump.
Certainly one thing I've always loved about theIronMaidens, was their willingness, and ability, to play songs that even Maiden won't play anymore.

I'd love to hear, AND SEE, Alexander played. * sigh * Maybe someday.

I agree, it gets very old to just hear 'the trooper' and 'run to the hills' type songs all the time.

Even last night when the band says "This next song is called THE TROOPER" the crowd all of a sudden got loud and started going crazy. That was my time to go use the pisser :lol: If I never heard that song or Run to the Hills again I would be just fine with that.
I tend to agree, but without the classic favorites, some people tend to feel unfulfilled at a Maiden, or theIronMaidenS gig. They are a bit overplayed, but they are also the "benchmark" and "hallmark" songs, I takes the good with the bad and I enjoy it all.
Tailgunner...cool..I've been pestering them to play that one for a while...lol

I was guessing they would play either Alexander or one of the epics off the last Maiden CD...I hope they filmed it or at least recorded the live feed.

I wonder when Aja and Sara will put their placemat and cast on Ebay....:p
Was a great show! Was nice to mee Derek afterwards; he was very gracious. I have his signature (the old one) tattooed on the back of my arm and he signed next to it heh.

Typica Derek!


Nicko took his heavy metal mag which was the first thing Derek ever sold. He had a good laugh about it and said, "I've got better since this!"
I hope that guess is wrong, it was the best of the new songs. Also, the song would be just fine without the foot operated keyboard.

The foot pedals are being used in lieu of keyboards to add atmosphere to the songs that had had that in them. The ladies are sticklers for getting the songs as close as possible to the real thing. There are people like me that will notice something missing if that atmosphere isn't there.

Wanda was plucking notes while her foot kept the "atmosphere" going constantly. She uses them a bit on Evil That Men Do also.

While not overt, they are adding another sonic layer that exist on the original.

Some songs such as Seventh Son would need Michael Kenny, the foot pedals open the door to some others such as Alexander, Run Silent Run Deep and I'm sure a few others I can't think of this morning. :zombie:
