*at work*

Tide In Mind Out

Mar 5, 2002
ahhhhhh this is my first day. no one really knows what they want me to do exactly.......i've been shown all these differnt file cabinets and shit, all these different documents, it all looks the same to me.........

oops not a random item of the day thread :rolleyes: :p
i think the public is getting tired of ... look! another movie with Rob Schneider getting in some bizarro incident and making stupid jokes!

i thought the Hot Chick would've been a funny movie.. but I wasnt desparate enough for a movie to ever go to it, haha.

Ha! just remembered a southpark episode from a month or so ago.. one of them was on a plane, and watching the inflight movie. It was always a different rob schneider movie that was being shown, but the preview for it was just like the one for the Hot Chick ..

" First he was an animal ... then he was a hot chick.. and now Rob Schneider is ..
A stapler!!!" and he would bounce around stapling things ...

and then the same thing only for another movie where he turns into a carrot, hahaha.