Atheist - Jupiter

Covet Chaos

Jul 23, 2007

1. "Second To Sun"
2. "Fictitious Guide"
3. "Fraudulent Cloth"
4. "Live And Live Again"
5. "Faux King Christ"
6. "Tortoise The Titan"
7. "When The Beast"
8. "Third Person"

Release dates:
Europe - November 8
USA - November 9
I was gonna make this topic damn you! :lol:

Looks like the album's gonna be great though! I'll need to get Elements before it comes out.
Sorry but I think this is going to be utter shit. Hopefully I'll be proven wrong, but I seriously doubt this'll live up to expectations or even the standards Atheist have set beforehand - the first three albums were snapshots in time, a time where death metal was at its peak. The chances of them being able to follow well enough are exceptionally low.
It'll be good. kelly never wanted to put out another Atheist album because he didn't think they could match the 3 albums. But the thing is they are doing it so it must be good. If it was shit it wouldn't come out. The chances of this being a good album is amazingly high.
Well... kinda late for a fourth album right ??? I gotta agree with Dave, it is likely that this won't touch the first 3 albums, it may be good, but if it isn't Unquestionable Presence 2.0, it'll get bashed.
Cool artwork.

Kelly has always said they wouldn't release anything under the Atheist name unless it was truly good enough to be released under the Atheist name... I have faith.

I'm not looking for Unquestionable Presence 2.0 though...
Not sure on this... it's definitely closer to the first two records than 'Elements' but it seems to have taken on a somewhat pretentious techdeath sound (see Necrophagist etc.) so... Yeah, I dunno what to sayon this one yet. It's pretty good I guess, but it's not really very Atheist sounding.
Got it a few days ago in the mail... It's great. Doesn't have the speed of Unquestionable but isn't weighed down by the extreme progressive elements of Elements. Lyrics are great too.

I think Second to Sun and Third Person are my favorites.
I'd still say it tops Elements but loses out to the first two records. Could have been far worse. I'm interested in seeing where they will go from here though.

I'm also sad to see it's missing out on that YYZ cover that we were told about when the album was first spoken of in '08.