$12.99, why did I waste my time with!
Damn! I'll check the FYE store first during lunch.
$12.99, why did I waste my time with!
Fucking Amazon!
"We are sorry to report that the following items have been delayed:
Symphony X (Artist) "Paradise Lost + Bonus DVD [Limited Edition]
[Extra tracks] [Collector's Edition]" [Audio CD]
Estimated arrival date: 01/08/07 - 17/08/07"
I can't cancel the order either...bastards.
$12.99, why did I waste my time with!
That's pretty much the same email I got to today. Useless bunch of cocknockers.....uke:
My FYE store had it with the DVD on sale for $16.99 + tax = $18.01
The FYE website would have been $16.25 after shipping and tax. I felt the $1.76 wasn't worth the hassle of ordering online, waiting, and wondeing what condition it will arrive in, so I just bought it.
My Best Buy got 2 of the digi-pak versions in and they were $14.99 there.
The video quality is ok in most spots, but the audio seems to suffer from the vid cam's mics being overloaded. Some sound better than others, and it's actually not as bad as I was expecting, mostly......
I'm not upset about the quality because the DVD was a freebie
Yes, it was free. FYE describes it as a "Special Bonus DVD", or something like that. The CD packaging isn't any different because of it. They just boogered it to the back of the CD case in its own pouch. Once you remove it, you have the standard CD pack.
Less than professional quality material should really be reserved for fan club stuff. If you're putting out a supplementary DVD as part of a retail package, it really ought to be professional quality. Had there been a making of, bonus track or even interviews like on the special edition back catalogue CDs, it would have been more palatable.