Atheist - Unquestionable Presence

The band's website used to carry some stuff, but the store only lasted two weeks and now the webiste is gone... I think that we should create a thread, or continue in this thread, and those who wish to get some atheist merchandise should leave a message in this thread. I'll try to join Schaefer or Burkey and tell them that there's a bunch of people that would like to get some shirts, at least ! They might help us with that or, at least, let us print some shirts by ourselves.
The album is available on ebay, be prepared to pay 60-70$ though...
I wish they'd try to push for those re-release again, but with Schaefer back in Neurotica, I don't know if it'll happen.
Anyway, those who'd like to get at least a shirt, leave a message here and I'll try to contact Schaefer and show him this thread.
Well, I had Schaefer's, Burkey's and Flynn's emails, Burkey's didn't work and one of the two Schaefer's adress didn't work too. There were shirts on they're website's store, I should have bought some, but I had to discuss some stuff concerning the duties...
Anyway, wait & see.
With Schaefer back in Neurotica, it might mean that he won't be able to do it OR that we'll be able to finally join him. I remember some guy saying that they were working on reissues with an european label, but Neurotica's manager didn't like it because it would interfere with Neurotica...

Original cds are great, but the reissues would have a better sound quality and some new stuff, that would be freaking awesome.

Maybe we should start a petition somewhere on petitiononline, that might help our cause if we have hundreds of people !!
I can't, otherwise I'd be wearing one right now :headbang:

We'll see if they reply, it'll be a good start, but I don't think they will since I haven't heard of Kelly Schaefer for a year.
Well, only Flynn's email seems to work. I'm still not sure if he'll get the email, we'll see. I think that we'll have a bigger chance of contacting Kelly when Neurotica will be back.
What ever happened to the atheist site, i remember going to it when i first heard atheist, but their store never worked when i went to it. Hey if you can contact Shaffer see if he wants someone to make a new official atheist band website cause i would be up to it sometime this summer.
Ahh i wanna buy Unquestionable Presence but im too poor :( Best death metal album of all time
Yes, that's right. I find Atheist merely okay, and I love Fear Factory. Take that guy's peenie out of your own tailpipe, you wanker!
Actually, I was commenting more on the new Suffocation.
Mediocrity at it's most lethargic.

Also, if he takes his penis out, who will pleasure the car?
invulse said:
What ever happened to the atheist site, i remember going to it when i first heard atheist, but their store never worked when i went to it. Hey if you can contact Shaffer see if he wants someone to make a new official atheist band website cause i would be up to it sometime this summer.
The problem was that no one was willing to take care of the server. You can certainly make a fan site this summer, and we might use it as a way to convince the guys from Atheist to work on those reissue again.
The main problem with Atheist's website was that no Atheist member ever came and that the webmaster was too busy to take care of it too.
Anyway, it's up to you, but that'd be great I think, a REAL Atheist fansite.
I was fortunate as hell, a few years back, to find all three of the original cd's at Media Play. For about a years time all four stores within the Buffalo, NY area were receiving tons of new old stock of out of print metal cd's. I assume these where found in their warehouse, hiding in some obscure back corner, covered with a foot of dust on them.
I went on a major spending spree and got just about every single obscure release that showed up. Almost the entire back catalogue of Grind Core Records were in stock plus many others such as releases on J.L American.
I of coarse grabbed the re-print of Piece of Time when it came out too, that being my favorite Atheist album. I figured they wouldn't last long.
I also procured an original Piece of Time shirt from The House of Guitars in Rochester, NY. They used to have literally thousands of concert shirts stacked up, on racks and lying on the floor a foot or more deep in a section of the store! I shit you not. If you were willing to dig for hours you could find vintage band shirts 10 - 20 years old that hadn't seen the light of day in ages. The best part was they were friggen cheep too. Sadly just before I moved from the area they decided to organize all of them which allowed all of the lazy bastards, that previously couldn't be bothered to dig, access to all of them and they got picked over within a matter of a couple weeks.
Oh well, I'm just glad that I had the privilege of having several years of diligence to sort through all those treasures and obtain a veritable wardrobe of vintage shirt's before they all vanished.
And no, there's not a remote chance in hell I'm willing to part with any of them. Not for any amount of money.