athiest former soldier sues over religious harasment

Fuck America because it's full of pussies that think faggotry and my pals are OK.

Also people who think you can debate the Constitution.. nothing in it is open to interpretation.

Ah, and a war over bullshit, and then Iranaphobia..

A senile old man, or a coward running for office.

Taking this long for soldiers to take action..

the list is a mile long, oh and California.

I'll keep my gun in condition 1.
Zeph don't respond to King Richard when he talks about me. I have him on ignore.
@Cookiecutter: I don't see how an entire country can logically be judged on the crime rate in one particular area. If I said that the UK was crime-ridden based on the crime rates in Manchester or Birmingham, people would tell me that I'm unfairly weighing the average crime rate in certain cities against the crime rate of an entire country. Most of the US is a safe and relatively normal in terms of crime. There's crime everywhere, both with rich and poor, regardless of area. There are areas with much higher crime rates, but I don't think safety or crime rate in a country can be judged by a country's "weakest link". It's an extreme outlier! You can't judge an entire place based on that.

It's pointless arguing about this, as nothing I say will change your opinion, and nothing you say about this particular topic will ever change my thinking.
Well let me clarify my position a little more. I think that we should recognize problems and judge a country based on the response to that problem. If there is crime in a particular area then we can point it out and say it needs fixing and call the country to action on it. I am NOT saying that simplistic judgments like "America sucks because it has a higher crime rate than Sweden" are useful or correct.

Fuck America because it's full of pussies that think faggotry and my pals are OK.

Also people who think you can debate the Constitution.. nothing in it is open to interpretation.

Ah, and a war over bullshit, and then Iranaphobia..

A senile old man, or a coward running for office.

Taking this long for soldiers to take action..

the list is a mile long, oh and California.

I'll keep my gun in condition 1.
Yeah.. the truth is always "stupid." However, one can't expect a better response from people who have been indoctrinated and brainwashed.

Americans can't handle the truth or reality. Which is why American language is full of euphemisms.

"How fortunate for governments that the people they administer don't think" - Adolf Hitler
I haven't taken the time to look this up, but does a country's crime rate reflect its mean or median crime rate? This would certainly affect my judgment of how fairly different countries can be compared.

On topic though, I support this guy 100%, although it surprises me that anyone with the intellectual ability to reach a religious conclusion independently of the persuassions and coersions of others would be stupid enough to join the military in the first place.

Welcome back to GMD.
Fuck America because it's full of pussies that think faggotry and my pals are OK.

Also people who think you can debate the Constitution.. nothing in it is open to interpretation.

Ah, and a war over bullshit, and then Iranaphobia..

A senile old man, or a coward running for office.

Taking this long for soldiers to take action..

the list is a mile long, oh and California.

I'll keep my gun in condition 1.
A my pals is an ignorant person.
Well if CC wants to act like a snobby asshole then let him. I don't know where he gets off thinking so highly of himself that he can just say, "Well I'm not going to give you the time of day if you have different opinions and beliefs than me."
This guy is my hero, no body actually knows that I'm atheist but guess what, I'm atheist and I'm fucking proud, if you want to say something about that, fuck you.